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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №8 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Method of processing information echo signals in multiband radar systems
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j15604128-201908-06
UDC: 621.391

G.G. Schukin – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), 

Mozhaysky Military Space Academy (Saint Petersburg)

E-mail: ggshchukin@mail.ru

I.A. Gotyur – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), 

Mozhaysky Military Space Academy (Saint Petersburg)

E-mail: mil@vka.ru

Yu.D. Ovchinnikov – Engineer, 

Mozhaysky Military Space Academy (Saint Petersburg)

E-mail: yurii_ovchiiniko@mail.ru

E.A. Korovin – Ph.D.(Eng.), 

Mozhaysky Military Space Academy (Saint Petersburg)

E-mail: evgen_korovin@mail.ru

I.V. Laptev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Scientific and Pedagogical Worker, 

Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics E-mail: cvviur6@mil.ru


The work is devoted to the processing of signals combined multirange radar systems. The article proposes a method for processing and integration of reflected echo signals in meteorological radar systems based on the representation of a set of probe pulses and reflected echo signals in different wavelength ranges as a complex radio pulse with an energy equal to the sum of the pulse energy in each wavelength range. The data approach allows for coherent accumulation of the energy of a complex radio pulse in its coherence interval and obtain a gain in the signal-to-noise ratio of the generalized estimate compared to the signal-to-noise ratio at the output of the correlator in each of the radar channels. Increasing the signal-to-noise ratio at the output of the correlation-processing device of a multi-band radar system by combining and coherently accumulating the energy of reflected echo signals of various ranges can improve the accuracy of measuring the coordinates of objects and reduce the dispersion of measurements by the radar system. The coherent accumulation of energy of the reflected echo signals of various ranges allows considering the multi-band system from the point of view of the energy potential as a system with an aggregate potential equal to the sum of the energy potentials of all the coherent radar channels included in its composition. In this case, the power flux density of an electromagnetic wave created by such a system in the direction of the target is equal to the sum of the power flux densities of all probe pulses. The theoretical increase in the signal-to-noise ratio with a coherent accumulation of the energy of a complex radio pulse in the interval of one pulse for two identical radar channels is. To ensure the coherence of probe pulses in different frequency ranges, a common reference oscillator is used, using which carrier frequencies are generated for radar channels of different ranges. Stability requirements and the level of phase noise are imposed on the reference generator, allowing to achieve spatial coherence at a given interval of reflected echo signals in different wavelength ranges.

To implement the proposed concept of combining the energy of echo signals in multiband radar systems, the article proposes an artificial construction of a multidimensional complex radar signal, where each of its orthogonal components is a one-dimensional signal in the selected radar channel. Mathematically, such a complex multidimensional signal in the work is proposed to be recorded using hypercomplex functions by introducing additional imaginary units. This approach allows a simple way to mathematically reflect the fact that the expectation of the mutual correlation integral of the probe pulse function and the echo signal function of opposite radar channels is zero. For the case of two radar data channels, the approach leads to functions in a 4-dimensional hypercomplex space. For the convenience of calculating the correlation integrals, the signals of each of the radar ranges are recorded as complex envelopes, so each of the orthogonal components of a complex multidimensional probe pulse is a complex function.

The article presents a method for finding a generalized estimate of the object's coordinate vector by joint processing of information signals of receiving and transmitting paths of various frequency ranges using a hyper-complex correlation integral, and a model of a multi-band radar system with complex probing pulses is constructed. The obtained simulation results allow us to conclude that the principle of representing a set of probe pulses as a complex multidimensional pulse theoretically allows us to obtain an improved estimate of the vector of object coordinates in multi-band radar systems due to coherent accumulation of pulse energy of different frequency ranges. At the same time, the estimate obtained by calculating the multidimensional correlation integral does not differ from the estimate obtained by summing the correlation integrals calculated separately for each of the coherent radar channels separately, which does not contradict the theory.

The method proposed in the article makes it possible to technically simplify finding a generalized estimate by calculating a multidimensional correlation integral in the frequency domain using multidimensional Fourier transforms.

Pages: 40-49
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Date of receipt: 23 октября 2019 г.