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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №8 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Method of calculation of the microwave oscillator in the space of S-parameters
S.V. Savelkaev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies. E-mail: sergei.savelkaev@yandex.ru V.А. Litovchenko - Head of Educational Laboratory, Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School. E-mail: litovchienko_vladimir@mail.ru
Currently developed effective methods of calculation of microwave amplifiers in the space of S-parameters. With respect to the mi-crowave oscillators in final form by the method of their calculation in the space of S-parameters without feedback of the active com-ponent of the oscillator. In the article the method of calculation of the microwave oscillator in the space of parameters as without feedback, and with parallel or serial feedback of its active component. This method allows on the basis of the balance equation of the phase and amplitude recorded in the space of parameters, to determine the complex reflection coefficients of the load and feedback settings of the active component of the oscillator that provides the desired frequency generation and the required output power. Using certain complex reflection coefficients carried out the synthesis of the topology of the input and output matching circuits based on micro strip lines.
Pages: 36-46


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