Articles by keyword nanoparticle
Metallodielectric Composite Medium as a Low-Reflectance Coating in Optical Region
S.G. Moiseev
K.K. Altunin
Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles as Magnetic Resonance Contrast Media and Fluorescent Agents
A.G. Akodjanov, A.V. Babich, I.V. Bykov, V.Yu. Naumenko, A.I. Segeev, N.L. Shimanovskii, G.Yu.Yurkov
Possible Applications of Nanoscale Iron Oxide Particles for Treating Tumors by Hyperthermia
V.U. Naumenko, A.G. Akopdzhanov, A.V. Babich, I.V. Bykov, N.L. Shimanovskiy
The influence of a dc electric field on the formaton of aerosol nickel oxide nanoparticles
S.A. Shutkova, M.Yu. Dolomatov, S.V. Dezortsev
Obtaining of Nanoparticles of Herbal Bioflavonoids Rutin, Quercetin and Silymarine and Their Antihepatoxic Activity Research
E.A. Morina, N.B. Feldman, E.V. Lutsenko, S.V. Lutsenko, V.A. Bikov
Biological Activity of Ions, Nano- and Micro-Sized Cu and Fe Particles Determined with a Bioluminescence Inhibition Assay
D.G. Deryabin, E.S. Aleshina, T.D. Deryabina, L.V. Efremova
Obtaining of Nanoparticles of Herbal Bioflavonoids Rutin, Quercetin and Silymarine and Their Antihepatoxic Activity Research
E.A. Morina, N.B. Feldman, E.V. Lutsenko, S.V. Lutsenko, V.A. Bikov
Biosensor Test-System Fovdirecteds Seavch for Genotoxicants and Safety Evalution of Nanomaterials
S.G. Skuridin, V.A. Dubinskaya, V.A. Bykov, Yu.M. Evdokimov
The influence of a dc electric field on the formaton of aerosol nickel oxide nanoparticles
Yu.G. Morozov, O.V. Belousova, M.V. Kuznetsov
Extraordinary optical tramsmission of composite nanostriuctured films with a monolayer of silver nanoparticles
K.K. Altunin
Biological Activity of Ions, Nano- and Micro-Sized Cu and Fe Particles Determined with a Bioluminescence Inhibition Assay
D.G. Deryabin, E.S. Aleshina, T.D. Deryabina, L.V. Efremova
Biosensor Test-System Fovdirecteds Seavch for Genotoxicants and Safety Evalution of Nanomaterials
S.G. Skuridin, V.A. Dubinskaya, V.A. Bykov, Yu.M. Evdokimov
Research of parameters of a thin film on border «glycerin - magnetic liquid» in electric field
V.V. Chekanov, N.V. Kandaurova, V.S. Chekanov, J.A. Rakhmanina
Production of film coatings based on polymer matrices with silver nanoparticles by deposition from the gas phase
M.A. Yarmolenko, A.A. Rogachev, P.A. Luchnikov, A.V. Rogachev
Synthesis and properties of magnetic nanoparticles stabilized into polymer matrix
N.G. Zakharova, A.A. Yurishcheva, G.I. Dzhardimalieva, S.I. Pomogailo, N.V. Gorbunova, N.D. Golubeva, A.D. Pomogailo, K.A. Kydralieva
Spectrophotometry studies of acoustic excitation of reverse micellar systems containing nanoparticles of silver
D.L. Tytik, A.A. Revina, O.V. Suvorova, S.A. Busev, V.I. Kuzmin, A.F. Gadzaov, N.S. Kozlova, N.A. Siminel
Synthesis and properties of magnetic nanoparticles stabilized into polymer matrix
N.G. Zakharova, A.A. Yurishcheva, G.I. Dzhardimalieva, S.I. Pomogailo, N.V. Gorbunova, N.D. Golubeva, A.D. Pomogailo, K.A. Kydralieva
Spectrophotometry studies of acoustic excitation of reverse micellar systems containing nanoparticles of silver
D.L. Tytik, A.A. Revina, O.V. Suvorova, S.A. Busev, V.I. Kuzmin, A.F. Gadzaov, N.S. Kozlova, N.A. Siminel
Influence of copper nanoparticles parenteral administration on elemental composition of rats
E.A. Sizova, S.A. Miroshnikov, S.V. Lebedev, A.V. Skalny, N.N. Glushenko
The study of «rigid» nanoconstructions formed by dna liquid-crystalline dispersion particles using atomic force microscopy
Yu.M. Yevdokimov, V.I. Salyanov, M.N. Savvateev, V.A. Dubinskaya, S.G. Skuridin
Transmission electron microscopy of ME-decorated carbon nanofibers for catalytical systems
V.G. Zhigalina, O.M. Zhigalina, I.I. Ponomarev, D.N. Khmelenin, D.Yu. Razorenov, Iv.I. Ponomarev, N.A. Kiselev
Portable power sources with direct oxidation of formic acid on the basis of porous silicon nanocomposites with palladium
N.A. Yashtulov, A.A. Revina, L.N. Patrikeev, M.V. Lebedeva, V.R. Flid
The study of «rigid» nanoconstructions formed by DNA liquid-crystalline dispersion particles using atomic force microscopy
Yu.M. Yevdokimov, V.I. Salyanov, M.N. Savvateev, V.A. Dubinskaya, S.G. Skuridin
Portable power sources with direct oxidation of formic acid on the basis of porous silicon nanocomposites with palladium
N.A. Yashtulov, A.A. Revina, L.N. Patrikeev, M.V. Lebedeva, V.R. Flid
Blooming nanocomposite coatings based upon polymer matrix with metal nanoparticles
K.K. Altunin
Investigation of the parameters a thin slick on the boundaryof two immiscible liquids in an electric field
J.A. Rakhmanina
Portable power sources with direct oxidation of formic acid on the basis of porous silicon nanocomposites with palladium
N.A. Yashtulov, A.A. Revina, L.N. Patrikeev, M.V. Lebedeva, V.R. Flid
Investigation of the parameters a thin slick on the boundary of two immiscible liquids in an electric field
J.A. Rakhmanina
Advantages and disadvantages of gene therapy ex vivo и in vivo
I.O. Zvereva
Drug development based on poly-lactic and poly-glycolic acids and their use in therapy
A.V. Semakov
Microwave thick-film polymer nanocomposite radio absorbing coatings based on low density polyethylene
N.М. Ushakov, S.Yu. Моlchanov, I.D. Коsobudskii, V.Ya. Podvigalkin
Antibiotic activity of the rifabutin nanoparticle formulation
I.G. Kuznetsova, E.A. Voroncov, S.L. Kuznetsov, G.G. Barsegyan, S.E. Severin
Luminescence enhancement effects in nanowire arrays templated in porous alumina
E.D. Mishina - D.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Moscow State Technical University of Radioengineering, Electronics, and Automation N.E. Sherctyuk - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Moscow State Technical University of Radioengineering, Electronics, and Automation N.A. Ilyin - D.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Moscow State Technical University of Radioengineering, Electronics, and Automation S.A. Lavrov - Moscow State Technical University of Radioengineering, Electronics, and Automation A.A. Bush - D.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Moscow State Technical University of Radioengineering, Electronics, and Automation A.M. Buryakov - Moscow State Technical University of Radioengineering, Electronics, and Automation A.N. Belov - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Associate Professor, National research Univercity "MIET" O.V. Pyatilova - National research Univercity "MIET" Yu.V. Nazarkina - National research Univercity "MIET" M.V. Silibin - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Associate Professor, National research Univercity "MIET"
Plasmonic effects in high aspect ratio silver nanowire arrays deposited into alumina templates
E.D. Mishina - D.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Moscow State Technical University of Radioengineering, Electronics, and Automation N.E. Sherctyuk - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Moscow State Technical University of Radioengineering, Electronics, and Automation S.A. Lavrov - Moscow State Technical University of Radioengineering, Electronics, and Automation A.N. Belov - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Associate Professor, National research Univercity "MIET" Yu.V. Nazarkina - National research Univercity "MIET" M.V. Silibin - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Associate Professor, National research Univercity "MIET"
The cytostatic action of iron oxide nanoparticles
T.A. Fedotcheva - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Senior Research Scientist, Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Radiobiology named by Academician P.V. Sergeev, Russian National Research Medical University named by N.I. Pirogov, Moscow. Е-mail:
N.I. Fedotcheva - Ph.D. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, Moscow region, Pushchino
V.V. Teplova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, Moscow region, Pushchino
A.G. Akopdjanov - Senior Research Scientist, Senior Research Scientist, Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Radiobiology named by Academician P.V. Sergeev, Russian National Research Medical University named by N.I. Pirogov, Moscow
N.L. Shimanovskii - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Head of Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Radiobiology named by Academician P.V. Sergeev, Russian National Research Medical University named by N.I. Pirogov, Moscow
M.A. Dryagina - Post-graduate Student, Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Radiobiology named by Academician P.V. Sergeev, Russian National Research Medical University named by N.I. Pirogov, Moscow
E.V. Odintsova - Leading Research Scientist, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR)
V.V. Banin - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Head of Department of Biotechnology, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR)
Super resolution microscopy of materials with high nonlinearity
E.D. Mishina, N.E. Sherstyuk, S.V. Semin, S.D. Lavrov
The radiative properties of columnar semiconductor nanostructures
E.D. Mishina, N.E. Sherstyuk, N.A. Ilyin, S.D. Lavrov, A.M. Buryakov, A.N. Belov, O.V. Pyatilova, Y. Nazarkina, M.V. Silibin, S.A. Gavrilov
Microwave thick-film polymer nanocomposite radio absorbing coatings based on low density polyethylene
N. М. Ushakov, S. Yu. Моlchanov, I. D. Коsobudskii, V. Ya. Podvigalkin
Luminescence enhancement effects in nanowire arrays templated in porous alumina
E.D. Mishina - D.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Moscow State Technical University of Radioengineering, Electronics, and Automation
N.E. Sherctyuk - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Moscow State Technical University of Radioengineering, Electronics, and Automation
N.A. Ilyin - D.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Moscow State Technical University of Radioengineering, Electronics, and Automation
S.A. Lavrov - Moscow State Technical University of Radioengineering, Electronics, and Automation
A.A. Bush - D.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Moscow State Technical University of Radioengineering, Electronics, and Automation
A.M. Buryakov - Moscow State Technical University of Radioengineering, Electronics, and Automation
A.N. Belov - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Associate Professor, National research Univercity "MIET"
O.V. Pyatilova - National research Univercity "MIET"
Yu.V. Nazarkina - National research Univercity "MIET"
M.V. Silibin - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Associate Professor, National research Univercity "MIET"
Plasmonic effects in high aspect ratio silver nanowire arrays deposited into alumina templates
E.D. Mishina - D.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Moscow State Technical University of Radioengineering, Electronics, and Automation
N.E. Sherctyuk - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Moscow State Technical University of Radioengineering, Electronics, and Automation
S.A. Lavrov - Moscow State Technical University of Radioengineering, Electronics, and Automation
A.N. Belov - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Associate Professor, National research Univercity "MIET"
Yu.V. Nazarkina - National research Univercity "MIET"
M.V. Silibin - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Associate Professor, National research Univercity "MIET"
The radiative properties of columnar semiconductor nanostructures
E.D. Mishina, N.E. Sherstyuk, N.A. Ilyin, S.D. Lavrov, A.M. Buryakov, A.N. Belov, O.V. Pyatilova, Y. Nazarkina, M.V. Silibin, S.A. Gavrilov
Computer simulation of the generation of nanoparticles by sol-gel synthesis
L.Yu. Ammon - Ph.D. (Eng.), LLC «BIT Intelligent Technology» (Saint-Petersburg). E-mail: V.A. Tupik - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Deputy-Rector for International Relations, Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University «LETI» n. a. V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin). E-mail: I.D. Zhabrev - Post-graduate Student, Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University «LETI» n. a. V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin). E-mail:
Computer simulation of the generation of nanoparticles by sol-gel synthesis
L.Yu. Ammon - Ph.D. (Eng.), LLC «BIT Intelligent Technology» (Saint-Petersburg). E-mail:
V.A. Tupik - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Deputy-Rector for International Relations, Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University «LETI» n. a. V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin). E-mail:
I.D. Zhabrev - Post-graduate Student, Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University «LETI» n. a. V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin). E-mail:
Synthesis and investigation of colloidal solutions of magnetite nanoparticles
K.G. Gareev - Post-graduate Student, Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University «LETI» n. a. V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin)
I.E. Kononova - Research Scientist, Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University «LETI» n. a. V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin)
V.A. Moshnikov - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University «LETI» n. a. V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin)
Development of pharmaceutical dosage forms based on metal nanoparticles
A.A. Rakhmetova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Federal State Institution of Science Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences V.L. Tal'roze Russia, Moscow. E-mail:
O.A. Bogoslovskaya - Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Federal State Institution of Science Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences V.L. Tal'roze, Moscow. E-mail
O.A. Semkina - Ph.D. (Рharm.), Associate Professor, Federal State Budgetory Educational Higher Professional Institution of Education «Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. E-mail:
M.N. Ovsyannikova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Federal State Institution of Science Institute of Biochemical Physics Russian Academy of Sciences N.M. Emanuel. E-mail:
I.P. Olkhovskaya - Senior Research Scientst, Federal State Institution of Science Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences V.L. Tal'roze, Moscow. E-mail:
N.N. Gluschenko - D. Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Chief of Laboratory, Federal State Institution of Science Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences V.L. Tal'roze, Moscow. E-mail:
Nanostructured anti-reflection coatings based on amorphous silica for silica glass and solar cells
S.V. Eskin - Engineer, Saratov branch of the Kotel-nikov Institute of Radio Engineering, and Electronics Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail:
N.M. Ushakov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Head of the Laboratory, Saratov branch of the Kotel-nikov Institute of Radio Engineering, and Electronics Russian Academy of Sciences
Antibacterial and wound healing potential of methylcellulose derivatives-based ointments containing copper nanoparticals
A.A. Rakhmetova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Federal State Institution of Science Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences V.L. Tal'roze Russia, Moscow. E-mail:
O.A. Bogoslovskaya - Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Federal State Institution of Science Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences V.L. Tal'roze, Moscow. E-mail
O.A. Semkina - Ph.D. (Рharm.), Associate Professor, Federal State Budgetory Educational Higher Professional Institution of Education «Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. E-mail:
M.N. Ovsyannikova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Federal State Institution of Science Institute of Biochemical Physics Russian Academy of Sciences N.M. Emanuel. E-mail:
I.P. Olkhovskaya - Senior Research Scientst, Federal State Institution of Science Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences V.L. Tal'roze. E-mail:
N.N. Gluschenko - D. Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Chief of Laboratory, Federal State Institution of Science Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences V.L. Tal'roze. E-mail:
Modulation of cytotoxic effects of doxorubicin by the iron oxide nanoparticlesn
T.A. Fedotcheva - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Senior Research Scientist, Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Radiobiology named by Academician P.V. Sergeev, Russian National Research Medical University named by N.I. Pirogov, Moscow. Е-mail:
V.A. Bykov - Academican RAMN and RAAS, Advisor of RAAS
K.M. Starostin - Post-graduate Student, Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Radiobiology named by Academician P.V. Sergeev, Russian National Research Medical University named by N.I. Pirogov, Moscow
K.E. Shirokih - Post-graduate Student, Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Radiobiology named by Academician P.V. Sergeev, Russian National Research Medical University named by N.I. Pirogov, Moscow
A.G. Akopdjanov - Senior Research Scientist, Senior Research Scientist, Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Radiobiology named by Academician P.V. Sergeev, Russian National Research Medical University named by N.I. Pirogov, Moscow
V.V. Banin - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Head of Department of Biotechnology, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR)
Preparation of the film composites with silver nanoparticles on the basis of citric acid
M.A. Yarmolenko - Ph.D. (Eng), Francysk Skaryna Homel State University
P.A. Luchnikov - Head of Laboratory, Moscow State Institute of Radio-Engeneering, Electronics and Automation (Technical University)
A.A. Rogachev - Ph.D. (Eng), Belarusian State University of Transport, Homel
Development of pharmaceutical dosage forms based on metal nanoparticles
A.A. Rakhmetova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Federal State Institution of Science Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences V.L. Tal'roze Russia, Moscow. E-mail:
O.A. Bogoslovskaya - Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Federal State Institution of Science Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences V.L. Tal'roze, Moscow. E-mail
O.A. Semkina - Ph.D. (Рharm.), Associate Professor, Federal State Budgetory Educational Higher Professional Institution of Education «Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. E-mail:
M.N. Ovsyannikova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Federal State Institution of Science Institute of Biochemical Physics Russian Academy of Sciences N.M. Emanuel. E-mail:
I.P. Olkhovskaya - Senior Research Scientst, Federal State Institution of Science Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences V.L. Tal'roze, Moscow. E-mail:
N.N. Gluschenko - D. Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Chief of Laboratory, Federal State Institution of Science Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences V.L. Tal'roze, Moscow. E-mail:
Nanostructured anti-reflection coatings based on amorphous silica for silica glass and solar cells
S.V. Eskin - Engineer, Saratov branch of the Kotel-nikov Institute of Radio Engineering, and Electronics Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail:
N.M. Ushakov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Head of the Laboratory, Saratov branch of the Kotel-nikov Institute of Radio Engineering, and Electronics Russian Academy of Sciences
Antibacterial and wound healing potential of methylcellulose derivatives-based ointments containing copper nanoparticals
A.A. Rakhmetova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Federal State Institution of Science Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences V.L. Tal'roze Russia, Moscow. E-mail:
O.A. Bogoslovskaya - Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Federal State Institution of Science Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences V.L. Tal'roze, Moscow. E-mail
O.A. Semkina - Ph.D. (Рharm.), Associate Professor, Federal State Budgetory Educational Higher Professional Institution of Education «Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. E-mail:
M.N. Ovsyannikova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Federal State Institution of Science Institute of Biochemical Physics Russian Academy of Sciences N.M. Emanuel. E-mail:
I.P. Olkhovskaya - Senior Research Scientst, Federal State Institution of Science Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences V.L. Tal'roze. E-mail:
N.N. Gluschenko - D. Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Chief of Laboratory, Federal State Institution of Science Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences V.L. Tal'roze. E-mail:
Influence of Copper Nanoparticles Parenteral Administration on Elemental Composition of Rats
E.A. Sizova, S.A. Miroshnikov, S.V. Lebedev, A.V. Skalny, N.N. Glushenko
Plasmon absorption in nanocomposites based on stearic acid with silver nanoparticles
M.A. Yarmolenko - Ph.D. (Eng), Francysk Skaryna Homel State University
P.A. Luchnikov - Head of Laboratory, Moscow State Institute of Radio-Engeneering, Electronics and Automation (Technical University)
A.A. Rogachev - Ph.D. (Eng), Belarusian State University of Transport, Homel
Microwave simulation of dielectric properties of polymer nanocomposites based on low density polyethylene
N.M. Ushakov - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department "Radioengineering", Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu.A. E-mail:
S.Yu. Molchanov - Master Student, Department "Radioengineering", Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu.A. E-mail:
Evaluation of cooper nanoparticles bioactivity mechanisms using the Triticum aestivum and Allium cepa tests
T.D. Deryabina - Research Scientist, All-Russian Scientific Institute of Beef Cattle Breeding, RAAS, Orenburg. E-mail:
I.V. Gryazeva - Post-graduate Student, Department of Microbiology, Orenburg State University. E-mail:
L.V. Efremova - Head of Laboratory, Department of Microbiology, Orenburg State University. E-mail:
D.B. Kosyan - Research Scientist, All-Russian Scientific Institute of Beef Cattle Breeding, RAAS, Orenburg. E-mail:
A.A. Kulsarin - Head of Laboratory, Department of Biophysics and Physics, Orenburg State University. E-mail:
Peculiarities of optical transmission in nano-sized metal-polymer structures with refraction and absorption indices close to zero
К.К. Аltunin - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University. Е-mail:
Simulation of surface plasmon waves at the nanocomposites - silver nanoparticles interface
К.К. Аltunin - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov. E-mail: teleportation@yandex
Microwave simulation of dielectric properties of polymernanocomposites based on low density polyethylene
N.M. Ushakov - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department "Radioengineering",Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu.A. E-mail: S.Yu. Molchanov - Master Student, Department "Radioengineering",Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu.A. E-mail:
Modeling of optical filter based on textured film nanocomposite
M.I. Zavgorodnyaya - Research Scientist, National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Moscow I.V. Lavrov - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, National Research University of Electronic Technology - MIET, Moscow
Nanostructured anti-reflection coatings based on amorphous silica for silica glass and solar cells
S.V. Eskin - Engineer, Saratov branch of the Kotel-nikov Institute of Radio Engineering, and Electronics Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail: N.M. Ushakov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Head of the Laboratory, Saratov branch of the Kotel-nikov Institute of Radio Engineering, and Electronics Russian Academy of Sciences
Enhanced optical transmission of the nanocomposite films with silver nanoparticles on various substrates. Part 1. Theoretical background and model
К.К. Аltunin - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University n.a. I.N. Ulyanov. E-mail: teleportation@yandex
The influence of copper nanoparticles on the morphological status and trace element composition of fetoplacental complex of laboratory animals
S.V. Notova - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine, Orenburg State University. E-mail: A.A. Slobodskov - Post-graduate Student, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Orenburg State University. E-mail:
Enhanced optical transmission of the nanocomposite films with silver nanoparticles on various substrates. Part 2. Simulation
К.К. Аltunin - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University n.a. I.N. Ulyanov. E-mail: teleportation@yandex
Radar-absorbing properties of matrix polymer composite nanomaterials at microwave frequencies
N.M. Ushakov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Laboratory of Submicron Electronics, Saratov branch of Kotel\'nikov IRE of RAS, Professor, Department «Radio Engineering», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov. E-mail: S.Yu. Molchanov - Post-graduate Student, Department «Radio Engineering», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov. E-mail:
Radar-absorbing properties of matrix polymer composite nanomaterials at microwave frequencies
N.M. Ushakov - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Laboratory of Submicron Electronics, Saratov branch of Kotel\'nikov IRE of RAS, Professor, Department «Radio Engineering», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov E-mail: S.Yu. Molchanov - Post-graduate Student, Department «Radio Engineering», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov E-mail:
Modeling of thermal treatment of copper nanoparticles synthesized from gaseous phase
I.V. Chepkasov - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Khakas State University, Abakan. E-mail:
Specific features of thermal stability in nanoclusters of platinum group metals
I.S. Zamulin - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Research Scientist, Khakas State University, Abakan. E-mail: М.D. Starostenkov - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Polzunov Altai State Technical University (AltSTU), Barnaul. E-mail:
Investigations of the electro and electrical properties of magnetic fluid in electric field
E.N. Diskaeva - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department of Humanities, Natural Sciences and Legal Disciplines, Private educational organization of higher education «Stavropol University». E-mail: Yu.A. Boyko - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Department of Research and International Cooperation, Private educational organization of higher education «Stavropol University». E-mail:
Heat capacity Peculiarities of copper nanoclusters obtained by gas phase condensation
I.V. Chepkasov - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Khakas State University, Abakan. E-mail:
The use of nano and micro colloids dispersed ferromagnetic and magnetic-devices
E.N. Diskaeva - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department of Humanities, Natural Sciences and Legal Disciplines, University of Stavropol (Stavropol). E-mail: Yu. A. Boyko - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Specialist of Scientific Information and Analytical Work, Department of Research and International Cooperation, University of Stavropol (Stavropol). E-mail:
Microstrip line made by plotter printing ink containing silver nanoparticles, its frequency and impulse response
A.E. Zdrok - Post-gradate Student, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics. E-mail: D.V. Sherstjuk - Student, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics. E-mail: A.M. Umarov - Student, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics. E-mail: S.A. Artishchev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Junior Research Scientist, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics. E-mail: A.G. Loschilov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of the Chair CUDR, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics. E-mail: N.D. Malyutin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Director of the Research Institute, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics. E-mail:
Molecular structure and morphology of coatings based on polyethylene glycol and silver nanoparticles obtained from active gas phase
M.A. Yarmolenko - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, F. Scorina Gomel State University (Gomel). Е-mail:
Modeling of the behavior of small carbon cluster C3 during heating in argon
N.M. Barbin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Ural Institute of State Fire Service of Emercom of Russia, Ural Agrarian State University, Ekaterinburg E-mail: V.P. Dan - Post-graduare Student, Ural Institute of State Fire Service of Emercom of Russia, Ekaterinburg E-mail: D.I. Terentiev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Ural Institute of State Fire Service of Emercom of Russia, Ekaterinburg S.G. Alekseev - Ph.D. (Chem.), Associate Professor, Ural Institute of State Fire Service of Emercom of Russia, Ekaterinburg
Giant light amplification by nanoclusters system in the field of laser radiation
К.К. Аltunin - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov E-mail: teleportation @ yandex
The optical properties of metallic nanoparticles of Au, Ag and bimetallic nanoparticles of Au-Ag synthesized in reverse micelles
K.F. Chernyshova - Post-graduate Student, A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS (Moscow) E-mail: A.A. Revina - Dr. Sc. (Chem.), Leading Research Scientist, Professor, A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS (Moscow)
Nanotechnology, nanostructures and nanomaterials in diagnostics, prevention and treatment of cancer disease
E.A. Aliev Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department of Biotechnical and Medical Apparatuses and Systems, Dagestan State Technical University; General Director, LLC «Educational -Scientific-Production Complex «Aura-Alif», Makhachkala E-mail: Sh. O. Abdulaev Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Member of the Academy of engineering Sciences, Chief Research Scientist, Dagestan Scientific Centre of RAS, Deputy General Director, LLC «Educational -Scientific-Production Complex «Aura-Alif», Makhachkala E-mail: D.A. Ammaeva Research Scientist, LLC «Educational -Scientific-Production Complex «Aura-Alif» (Makhachkala) E-mail:
Theoretical investigation of aluminum nanoparticales surface energy with low radii by using density functional theory in view of metal-vacuum boundary effects

O.S. Erkovich – Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Physics Department,  Bauman Moscow State Technical University 


V.Yu. Fedorova – Master’s Degree Student, Department of Physics, 

Bauman Moscow State Technical University 


Vapor deposition of metal-doped polyaniline coatings, their molecular structure

A.A. Rogachev1, M.A. Yarmolenko2, Xuhui Jin3, Hongliang Zhang4, Hongtao Cao5, P.A. Lychnikov6, А.V. Rogachev7, А. М. Mikhalko8

1 National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus

2, 7, 8 Francisk Skorina Gomel State University (Gomel, Belarus)

3 Beijing Institute of Technology (Beijing, China)

4, 5 Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences (Ningbo, China)  6 MIREA ‒ Russian Technological University (Moscow, Russia)

Nanobacteria: genuine structure and place in the Universe

A.V. Galchenko1,2, E.N. Terekhina1

1 Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia)

2 Center for Biotic Medicine (Moscow, Russia)

Acute toxicity determination of silver, titanium dioxide and carbon nanoparticles using international standards

E.A. Gosteva1, S.V. Agasieva2, K.D. Belik3, P.D. Zubareva4

1–4 Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia)

CRISPR and nanotechnology solutions for diagnostic purposes in medical practice

Qi Han1, S.V. Ivanov2, A.V. Smorodinov3, N.A. Vetrova4, A.G. Gudkov5

1,3,4 RUDN University (Moscow, Russia)
2 Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia)
2 State Budgetary Healthcare Institution CDC No. 4 (Moscow, Russia)
3,5 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)
5 CEO LLC NPIF GIPERION (Moscow, Russia)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Features of the formation of nickel-containing nanoparticles on glassy carbon electrodes using electrodeposition from solutions of sodium pectate complexes

K.V. Kholin1, T.P. Sultanov2, P.Y. Enders3, E.A. Soloviev4, E.I. Galeeva E.I.5, S.T. Minzanova6

1 Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev - KAI (Kazan, Russia)

1-6 Kazan National Research Technological University (Kazan, Russia)

1-4,6 A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry (Kazan, Russia)

1; 2; 3;  4;; 6