Qi Han1, S.V. Ivanov2, A.V. Smorodinov3, N.A. Vetrova4, A.G. Gudkov5
1,3,4 RUDN University (Moscow, Russia)
2 Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia)
2 State Budgetary Healthcare Institution CDC No. 4 (Moscow, Russia)
3,5 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)
5 CEO LLC NPIF GIPERION (Moscow, Russia)
1 hanqieric@126.com, 2 ivanov-stepa@yandex.ru, 3 a030720182057@gmail.com, 4 vetrova@bmstu.ru, 5 profgudkov@gmail.com
Problem Statement: Modern methods of medical diagnostics require constant improvement to achieve high sensitivity and specificity. Traditional diagnostic methods may be limited in their ability to detect low concentrations of viruses or differentiate between different strains. In light of this, there is a need to develop and implement new technologies capable of significantly improving the effectiveness of detecting viral infections and other pathological conditions. Thus, there is a demand for innovative approaches that combine opportunity of modern biotechnology, including CRISPR technology, and nanotechnology, to develop more effective methods of medical diagnostics.
Objective: To analyze the application of CRISPR technology and nanotechnology in the field of medical diagnostics with an emphasis on their potential to enhance the sensitivity and specificity of viral infection detection methods.
Results: Within the scope of the research on the application of CRISPR technology and nanotechnology in medical diagnostics, an innovative platform has been developed, combining the advantages of both technologies. Experiments demonstrated successful signal amplification for virus detection, nucleic acid amplification, and integrated microfluidic systems for more precise and rapid diagnostics. The use of nanomaterials such as gold and silver in the development of biosensors has led to high sensitivity to influenza viruses and SARS-CoV-2. These innovative methods have tremendous potential in medicine and provide new opportunities for more effective control and combat of infectious diseases.
Practical Significance: The results and developed methods can be successfully applied in the field of medical diagnostics. The creation of an integrated platform that combines CRISPR technology and nanotechnology provides unique opportunities for more accurate and rapid detection of viral infections, including influenza and SARS-CoV-2. The use of nanomaterials, such as gold and silver, in the development of biosensors improves the sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic methods. This is crucial for early detection of infections, especially in epidemic and pandemic conditions. These technologies will enable the monitoring and prevention of the spread of viral diseases, which holds high practical significance for healthcare and society as a whole.
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