350 rub
Journal №11 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
The cytostatic action of iron oxide nanoparticles
T.A. Fedotcheva - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Senior Research Scientist, Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Radiobiology named by Academician P.V. Sergeev, Russian National Research Medical University named by N.I. Pirogov, Moscow. Е-mail: tfedotcheva@mail.ru
N.I. Fedotcheva - Ph.D. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, Moscow region, Pushchino
V.V. Teplova - Ph.D. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientist, Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, Moscow region, Pushchino
A.G. Akopdjanov - Senior Research Scientist, Senior Research Scientist, Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Radiobiology named by Academician P.V. Sergeev, Russian National Research Medical University named by N.I. Pirogov, Moscow
N.L. Shimanovskii - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Head of Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Radiobiology named by Academician P.V. Sergeev, Russian National Research Medical University named by N.I. Pirogov, Moscow
M.A. Dryagina - Post-graduate Student, Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Radiobiology named by Academician P.V. Sergeev, Russian National Research Medical University named by N.I. Pirogov, Moscow
E.V. Odintsova - Leading Research Scientist, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR)
V.V. Banin - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Head of Department of Biotechnology, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR)
The actual problem of pharmacology is the targeted delivery of chemotherapeutic agents. As the carriers for cytostatics can be used different vector molecules. Special attention deserve the iron oxide nanoparticles due to their availability and properties of paramagnetism. In this paper, the base of conjugate: anticancer agent (doxorubicin) and ultrasmall (5-8nm) nanoparticles of iron oxide complex - magnetite Fe3O4 (FeO x Fe2O3) were investigated. Iron oxide nanoparticles had cytotoxic effect to HeLa cells, inhibited mitochondrial respiration and activated ROS production. Use as surface active agent citrate ( nanocomplex number 3) has a protective effect with respect to mitochondria. These findings point to the prospect of further studies of this nanocomplex as antitumor agent.
Pages: 158-164

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