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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
S.A. Shutkova, M.Yu. Dolomatov, S.V. Dezortsev
At present a lot of businessmen, managers have become aware of the fact that automation efficiency first of all depends on how wide it covers all fields of corporate body activity. That is why the idea of corporative information systems (CIS) construction has become so popular recently. As automation of both official duties and individual orders has actually become the de facto standard, the problem of direct managerial functions automation has become of importance. Full switching to e-information is as yet impossible for a number of objective reasons, related to external factors (legislation, mentality inertia, a lack of computerization in the country) rather than IT limitations ( information technologies are mature enough and have got all necessary tools). So speaking about CIS construction one cannot but touch such topical present problem as e- document and papers combination in the enterprise document turnover. Complex automation means transformation all main business processes into IT. And the usage of special applications providing business processes information support as a base for CIS is considered to be both the most justified and effective. Current systems for business processes management allow integrating software of different kinds to create common information s.
Pages: 88-92
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