K.V. Kholin1, T.P. Sultanov2, P.Y. Enders3, E.A. Soloviev4, E.I. Galeeva E.I.5, S.T. Minzanova6
1 Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev - KAI (Kazan, Russia)
1-6 Kazan National Research Technological University (Kazan, Russia)
1-4,6 A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry (Kazan, Russia)
1 kholin06@mail.ru; 2 sultanovtp05@mail.ru; 3 enderspolina@mail.ru; 4 evgeniy.solovev.anatolevich@mail.ru; 5galeeva-el@mail.ru; 6 minzanova@iopc.ru
Problem statement. Currently, many leading companies in the field of electronics, radio engineering, and aerotechnics are concerned about the depletion of non-renewable resources such as platinum, gold, silver, indium and even the more common lithium, nickel and copper, which they actively use in their products. The design and synthesis of nanostructures with controlled morphology has attracted the attention of many researchers and engineers, since it is much more efficient to deposit a small amount of metal on the surface being used than to create a part entirely from this metal. There are several main methods for producing nanostructures on a surface: chemical deposition, electron beam lithography, pulsed laser deposition, electrochemical deposition and other methods. Electrochemical deposition is worth highlighting among all methods, because it makes it possible to obtain such surfaces relatively cheaply and on a large scale and control their morphology by changing deposition conditions, such as time, potential, solution pH, etc.
Purpose of the study. Obtain nickel-containing nanoparticles on glassy carbon by electrodeposition from an aqueous solution of biopolymer complexes of sodium pectate with divalent nickel; to determine the influence of electrodeposition conditions, namely, the duration of deposition and the content of Ni(II) ions in sodium petectate complexes, on the morphology of the resulting surface.
Results. Studies have been carried out of the influence of electrodeposition conditions on the morphology of the resulting glassy carbon electrode surface. It was found that biopolymer ligands act as a stabilizing agent for the formation of nickel-containing nanoparticles instead of a nickel-containing layer. The standard sizes of the resulting nanoparticles are in the range of 20 – 90 nm. The nickel content in the complexes, as well as the deposition time, proportionally affects the amount of deposited nanoparticles, but has little effect on their sizes.
Practical significance. The results obtained make it possible to use them for controlled electrodeposition of nickel-containing nanoparticles on conducting surfaces in the development of nonlinear optical devices, LEDs, diodes, transistors, logic gates, sensors and other electronic devices.
Kholin K.V., Sultanov T.P., Enders P.Y., Soloviev E.A., Galeeva E.I., Minzanova S.T. Features of the formation of nickel-containing nanoparticles on glassy carbon electrodes using electrodeposition from solutions of sodium pectate complexes. Radiotekhnika. 2024.
V. 88. № 1. P. 77−85. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202401-07 (In Russian)
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