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Journal Nanotechnology : the development , application - XXI Century №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Biosensor Test-System Fovdirecteds Seavch for Genotoxicants and Safety Evalution of Nanomaterials
S.G. Skuridin, V.A. Dubinskaya, V.A. Bykov, Yu.M. Evdokimov
The using of biochips, based on twostranded DNA molecules, fixed in three-dimensional structure of particles of cholesteric liquid-crystallic dispersion DNA (LCD DNA) is determined by high lability of three-dimensional package of DNA molecules and changes it structure because of action of different drugs, including nano-sized. The formation of the different drugs complexes with twostranded DNA molecules gives determination drugs and BAC interacting with genetic cell material and estimate safety nanomaterials and employed biotechnology. It gives possibility also to study mechanism of action in the process of phase I metabolic transformations. It is established that antitumor drugs - mitoxantron, dacarbazin, doxorubicin and antimicrobic drug sangviritrin in broad range of concentration (5-10-1 - 1-10-12 mg/ml of sample) penetrate to DNA molecule and are intercalators. Integral liquid-crystal microchip DNA, formed by molecular designing method and having in it composition nanobridges, consisted from exchangeable Сa+2-ions and antracycline antibiotic daunomicine, gives possible drug-forming chelate-complexes with metals. The degradation of nanostructure-bridges at action of antiviral drugs hyporamine, hanerol, hamenerine and antimicrobial means - donelvine, evcalimine caused by extraction Cu-ions from chelate nanobridge and formation stable complex as result generation secondary forming complex between named compounds and Cu-ions. The stabilization of the DNA liguid-crystalline structures in the swollen and semipenetrable hydrogels was achieved for the first time. The application of the films of these hydrogels as disposable biosensing units was demonstrated Study of gold nanoparticles with the diameters of 2,5 nm and 15 nm showed that the effect of nanoparticles of small size breaks down the secondary structure of DNA which leads to the reduced of the amplitude of the anomalous band in CD spectrum by 75 % and 20 % depend on the size of nanoparticles.
Pages: 34-43
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