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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №1 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Portable power sources with direct oxidation of formic acid on the basis of porous silicon nanocomposites with palladium
N.A. Yashtulov, A.A. Revina, L.N. Patrikeev, M.V. Lebedeva, V.R. Flid
The article is devoted to the use of formic acid as a fuel for portable energy sources on the basis of porous silicon with palladium nanoparticles. The prospects of the use of this kind of fuel, due to the high and electrochemical characteristics, is obvious. The use of palladium nanoparticles prevents the formation of catalytic poison - the main acceptor low efficiency of the catalyst. For the stabilization of the catalysts was selected porous silicon, which allows to prevent agglomeration of nanoparticles.
The article presents the data on the characteristics of nanocomposites palladium/porous silicon in the reaction of formic acid oxidation. A characteristic feature of the catalysts for palladium with a substrate of porous silicon n - and p-type conductivity is an increase in the catalytic activity of the samples obtained by the method of deposition of the γ-irradiation, as well as the increase of the catalytic activity of catalysts with n-type relative to a p-type porous silicon. Revealed the superiority of samples palladium/porous silicon n-type, obtained by the method of deposition of the γ-irradiation on commercial samples of the soot on electrochemical indicators. It is proved, that the reduction in the size of palladium nanoparticles contributes to the growth of the nanocomposites palladium/porous silicon catalytic activity.
Pages: 21-24
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