350 rub
Journal №8 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Antibiotic activity of the rifabutin nanoparticle formulation
I.G. Kuznetsova, E.A. Voroncov, S.L. Kuznetsov, G.G. Barsegyan, S.E. Severin
The article is devoted to the actual problem of the creation of high-performance, low-toxic anti-tuberculosis drugs that can overcome the acquired drug resistance. The article provides a description of nanoparticle antibiotic rifabutin, that is used for resistant tuberculosis, formulation receipt. The resulting comparative evaluation of the antimicrobial nanosomal activity of established pharmaceutical form and free substance showed a significant increase in the efficiency of the developed drug. The attention is paid to the necessity of a search for effective methods to increase the effectiveness of pharmaceuticals, capable to accelerate fight against tuberculosis at the source of infection.
Pages: 48-52

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