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Journal №2 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Enhanced optical transmission of the nanocomposite films with silver nanoparticles on various substrates. Part 1. Theoretical background and model
К.К. Аltunin - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University n.a. I.N. Ulyanov. E-mail: teleportation@yandex
The questions of theory and modelling of optical properties of metal-polymer nanocomposite films with metal nanoparticles are dis-cussed. A theoretical model of the optical reflectance and transmittance of the nanocomposite film in an optical radiation external field is proposed. The analytical expressions for the amplitudes of optical fields inside and outside the nanocomposite film containing spherical silver nanoparticles, taking into account the near-zero indices of refraction and absorption, as well as the formula for the complex refractive index of the composite film, taking into account the effect of polarizing the field of nanoparticles, are obtained. These formulas provide computer simulation of the optical properties of the optical nanomaterials with close to zero absorption and refraction indices.
Pages: 4-14


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