350 rub
Journal №1 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Heat capacity Peculiarities of copper nanoclusters obtained by gas phase condensation
I.V. Chepkasov - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Khakas State University, Abakan. E-mail: ilya_chepkasov@mail.ru
The results of computer simulation of the heat capacity of copper nanoclusters, obtained from the gas phase using the method of molecular dynamics with a strong coupling potential is considered. A significant excess of nanostructure material heat capacity in relation to the volume substance is experimentally observed. This requires a detailed study of the clusters in material and their connection degree. An effect of interphase boundaries can not be adequately considered at high temperatures at nanoparticles heat capacity calculation. The heat capacity of copper clusters at low temperatures is 10...17% greater than copper volume sample one. It is noted, that the phase boundaries in agglomerated clusters can not be the main reason of a significant increase in the heat capacity of compacted nanomaterials.
Pages: 3-7


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