350 rub

Journal Nanotechnology : the development , application - XXI Century №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Investigation of the parameters a thin slick on the boundaryof two immiscible liquids in an electric field
the magnetic liquid
heterogeneous liquid
the concentrated layer of nanoparticles
reflective ability
changing the interfacial tension
electric field
J.A. Rakhmanina
In this paper, a review of studies of surface phenomena, held recently, a group of researchers led by Professor V. Chekanov and NV Kandaurova.. The essence of research and scientific innovation was to study the properties of the interface «homogeneous liquid (liquid electrode) - heterogeneous liquid» in a multilayer structure by the electric field. These studies differ from previously by other authors, in which research is conducted only for the system « liquid - solid electrode». The use of homogeneous liquid instead of a solid electrode allows us to investigate the electrical properties of the interface without surface roughness.
The paper presents the main results that were obtained in the course of computer and physical experiments on changing the reflectivity of the surface and interfacial energy at the interface between two immiscible liquids in an electric field.
The results obtained in the course of their own research on the reflection of light from the interface in a multilayer structure, and ellipsometric measurements others formed the basis of the developed and patented inventions: an indicator of the potential difference, of the heat indicator light, the light of ultrasound.
Pages: 4-8