Articles by keyword линейная
Definition of Manoeuvrable Target Overloads under the Information of Fighter Optoelectronic System
Shatovkin R.R.
Effect of Glycemia Level on Ocular Hemodynamics and Progression of Diabetic Retinopathy
S.V. Sdobnikova, O.D. Gupalo, N.Y. Dorokhina, N.V. Krivosheeva, V.V. Sosnovskiy, A.L. Sidamonidze
Transmitting MMDS Antennas Part 1
V. V. Demidov, A. D. Egorov, M. W. Indenbom, V. A. Hrisanov
Adaptive Detection and Division FMCW Wideband Signal in Frequency Compressed Signal
V. A. Ivanov, D. V. Ivanov, N. V. Ryabova, A. V. Maltsev
Signals and Processes Sampling under the Theorem of Kotelnikov Subject to the Maximum Values of their Derivatives on Time
B. G. Majorov
The Vectorial Model of the Goniometric System's Error when Determining the Location of the Radio Radiation Source
A. Boukerroum, S. V. Pavlov
Time-and-Frequency Transformations of Super Broadband Signals by Radio Systems with Linear Antenna Arrays
O. E. Popova, S. N. Razin-kov
The Linear Speed Change Model of the Air Target, Maneuvering in the Horizontal Plane
R.R. Shatovkin, O.I. Sentyabov, S.N. Danilov, V.A. Malyshev
Conditions Definition of Minimal Range of Time Sampling Interval Acquiring at Stepwise and Linear Approximation of the Signal
B. G. Maiorov
Influence of a Fractional Mode of the ТHZ-Irradiation at Frequencies of a Nitric Oxide Molecular Spectrum 150,176...150,664 GHz on System Hemodynamic in White Mail Rats in a Condition of Sharp Immobilization Stress
V.F. Kirichuk, T.S. Velikanova, V.V. Velikanov, A.P. Krenitsky
Influence of Endothelial NO Shyntase Inhibitor L-NAME and Influence of Electromagnetic Theraherte Waves at Frequenciy of a Molecular Spectrum of Radiation and Absorption of Nitric Oxide 150,176...150,664 GHz on System Hemodynimic in Mail Rats Subjected in Conditions of Immobilization Stress
V.F. Kirichuk, A.N. Ivanov, T.S. Velikanova, E.V. Andronov, I.V. Smyshlyaeva, M.O. Kurtukova, A.P. Krenitsky
Increase of accuracy of approximation of the non-stationary data linear neural network by a cortege-method of training set
E.A. Samoilin, V.M. Chelakhov
Convergence of weights of a two-layer linear neural network at construction of optimum linear estimations of casual vectors
A. A. Sirota, E. Yu. Mitrofanova
Random Functions with Decomposable in Series Two-dimensional Probality Distributions
V.V. Gubarev
Character of Terahertz Waves at Frequencies of a Molecular Spectrum of Radiation and Absorption of Nitric Oxide 150,176 - 150,664 GHz Influence on System Hemodynamic Rats in Conditions of Immobilization Stress
V.F. Kirichuk, T.S. Velikanova, V.V. Velikanov, A.N. Ivanov, O.N. Antipova, N.E. Babichenko, A.P. Krenitsky
Models and methods of synthesis of technological processes
A.E. Nikitin, V.P. Rumyantsev, А.V. Trusov
Algorithm for Recognition of Helicopter-s Flight Character in Active Radar Homing Head of Air-to-Air Missile
A.V. Bogdanov, A.A. Kuchin, A.G. Sitnikov, V.O. Chervakov, S.A. Shportko
Multi-Markov poly-Gaussian models and algorithms of the в wideband systems
S.V. Kozlov
The structure of dynamical neural network for arma-model order estimation
T.Y. Shevgunov
The linear speed change model of the air target, maneuvering in the vertical plane
R.R. Shatovkin, O.I. Sentyabov, V.A. Malyshev
Optiсal-loсation feature of the characteristic of linear objects
V.D. Popelo, D.K. Proskurin
Description of the signals propagation through linear time-dependent systems
I.I. Orlov, A.V. Oinats
Combined patch antenna with linear and circular polarization
Yu.S. Kalashnikov, E.A. Shorokhova
Research of time-and-frequency characteristics of a discrete signal with intraelement linear frequency modulation
V.D. Lukyanchikov, N.N.Semenov
The results of radar signals processing by super resolution methods
D.S. Grigoryan, S.A. Klimov, D.G. Mitrofanov, A.G. Prohorkin
L-band radiator with linear polarization and low backside radiation level
I.Yu. Rijov
Evaluation of the influence of the radar LO signal phase fluctuations on the autocorrelation function of echo signal
I.A. Grigoryev
Radio source location finding with phase direction finder basing on estimation of curvature of radio wave\'s front
V.A. Pavlov, S.V. Pavlov, Chu Van Zong
Electromagnetic simulation of two carved C-shaped slots microstrip patch antenna
A.S. Bulavchuk, A.S. Voloshin
Description of the signals propagation through linear time-dependent systems
I.I. Orlov, A.V. Oinats
On the accuracy of «Divide-and-Conquer» algorithm in application to problems of electronic structure calculation of graphen and its analogs by quantum-chemical methods
V.G. Maslov, A.I. Svitenkov
The formation of a test signal with a simulation of a moving dot goals for a radar sensor with continuous radiation
A.N. Detkov, S.I. Zherebtsov, I.A. Makarov
The theoretical concept of generating nonlinear recurrent sequences of using shift register
I.I. Snytkin, A.V. Spirin, T.I. Snytkin
Synthesis of independent automatic machines of generating of nonlinear recurrent sequences (NRS) in the form of discrete cyclic sequences
I.I. Snytkin - Federal State Institution «27 Central Research Institute» Ministry of Defense Russian Federation (Moscow). E-mail:
T.I. Snytkin - Federal State Institution «27 Central Research Institute» Ministry of Defense Russian Federation (Moscow)
Estimation of concentrated noises LFM-receiver with usage of matched filtering
M.A. Kiselyov - Senior Researcher - JSC «Omsk research institute of instrument engineering»
Synthesis of independent automatic machines of generating of optimum nonlinear recurrent sequences of the set duration
I.I. Snytkin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Branch of Military Communications Academy (Krasnodar). E-mail: <> T.I. Snytkin - Federal State Institution «27 Central Research Institute», Ministry of Defense Russian Federation (Moscow)
Neural networks and discriminant functions
B. V. Khakimov - Dr.Sc. (Econom.), Advisor of the Federation Council. E-mail:
D. A. Tarkhov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University. E-mail: <> I. M. Mikheev - D.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Рrofessor, Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation. E-mail:
Methods and synthesis of hardware of nonlinear recurrent sequences code dictionaries of the fixed duration generating
I. I. Snytkin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Branch of Military Communications Academy (Krasnodar). E-mail:
T. I. Snytkin - Post-graduate Student, Federal State Institution «27 Central Research Institute» Ministry of Defense Russian Federation (Moscow)
Phase quantization influence on linear antenna array characteristics
P.A. Ageev - Research Scientist of JSC - V. Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design?. E-mail:
Modeling of test signals for digital multichannel emission source detection system
O.V. Ershova - programmer of the 1st category, «Scientific Research Centre of Supercomputers and Neurocomputers» Co Ltd. E-mail:
E.V. Kirichenko - research engineer, «Scientific Research Centre of Supercomputers and Neurocomputers» Co Ltd. E-mail:
E.A. Semernikov - PhD, head of department, Southern Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Scoences, department of information technologies and control processes. E-mail:
A.V. Chkan - research engineer, «Scientific Research Centre of Supercomputers and Neurocomputers» Co Ltd. E-mail:
The neural network modeling application for the of efficient FEM schemes construction
D.T. Chekmarev - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Nizhny Novgorod State University. E-mail:
Homomorphic image processing
E.V. Egorova - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Telecommunication systems», MIREA. E-mail:
Analysis of magnitude and shape of impact during it-s passing through the structure of ship machinery gear
A.V. Kuzmicheva - Design Engineer, STC "Altair" JSC "MSDB "Almaz-Antey?. E-mail:
V.G. Lisovskij - Deputy Head of Department, STC "Altair" JSC "MSDB "Almaz-Antey -
E.N. Khmelnickij - Ph.D. (Eng.), Leading Specialist, STC "Altair" JSC "MSDB "Almaz-Antey?
Capillaroscopic measurements of microcirculation and capillars of newborns of the first 6 days of their life and their mothers
E. N. Martynova - Research Scientist, Moscow Scientific Research Institute for Pediatry and Pediatric Seurgery. E-mail:
V. V. Baranov - Research Scientist, Center «Analysis of substance» (Moscow)
The Devyatkov law (on the 40th anniversary of the discovery of non-thermal bioeffects of millimeter radiation)
Yu.P. Chukova - Ph.D (Phys.-Math). Senior Research Scientist, Academician of the Russian People-s Academy of Science (RPAS), Head of Department «Public health and ecology safety» of RPAS, Director of the Krasnopresnenskiy Ecological Fund
Capillaroscopy of mothers and newborns in the first six days after birth
E. N. Martynova - Research Scientist, Moscow Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, Ministry of Health, RF
A. E. Arkhipov - Ph.D. (Med.), Research Scientist, JSC Center «Analysis of Substances», Moscow
V. V. Baranov - Research Scientist, JSC Center «Analysis of Substances», Moscow
Analyzer of concentrated noise on the base of signal receiver of oblique sounding
A.M. Kiselyov - Senior Research Scientist, PJSC «ONIIP». E-mail:
A.A. Mukhametova - Engineer-Developer, PJSC «ONIIP». E-mail:
S.Yu. Lobachyova - Leading Engineer-Developer, PJSC «ONIIP». E-mail:
V.L. Golopyorov - Leading Engineer, PJSC «ONIIP». E-mail:
O.V. Mukhina - Engineer-Developer, PJSC «ONIIP». E-mail:
Research and Development of Clustered DPCM Signals for Multichannel power-short data transmitting systems
I.V. Kuznetsov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Associate Professor, Ufa State Aviation Technical University E-mail: P.E. Filatov - Senior Lecturer, Ufa State Aviation Technical University E-mail: A.N. Gimaev - Telecommunications Engineer, JSC «Rostelecom» E-mail:
Application of complex probe signals in new generations of sonars developed in JSC «NIIP»
А.I. Demidov - Head of Laboratory, JSC «V.Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design» (Zhukovsky). E-mail: N.N. Zalogin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, JSC «V.Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design» (Zhukovsky). E-mail: М.V. Sachkova - Engineer 2 cat., JSC «V.Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design» (Zhukovsky). E-mail: А.V. Sknarya - Ph.D. (Eng.), General Constructor, JSC «V.Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design» (Zhukovsky). E-mail: S.А. Toshov - Engineer 2 cat., JSC «V.Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design» (Zhukovsky). E-mail:
The input informations - validation algorithms for on-board mathimatical model built-in automatic control system of aircraft engine
V.G. Avgustinovich - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Aircraft Engines, Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail: T.A. Kuznetsova - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associated Professor, Department of Design and Technologies in Electrical Engineering, Perm National Research Polytechnic University; The Head of Distance Education Technologies Centre. E-mail:
Calculation of coupling coefficients for the van atta planar antenna array
A.M. Gorin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, JSC «Taganrog Scientific Research Institute of Communications». E-mail: niis@pbox.ttn S.G. Samarsky - Leading Design Engineer, JSC «Taganrog Scientific Research Institute of Communications». E-mail: niis@pbox.ttn
Constructive particularities of designing of the antenna array with switchable polarization of electromagnetic field
Yu. S. Kalashnikov - Senior Research Scientist, FSUE FRPC - Measuring System Research Institute n.a. Yu.Ye. Sedakov - (Nizhny Novgorod). E-mail: Ye. A. Shorokhova - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist, FSUE FRPC - Measuring System Research Institute n.a. Yu.Ye. Sedakov - (Nizhny Novgorod). E-mail:
Evaluation of the influence of known number of abnormal information for precision characteristics degradation of linear filtering algorithms with defined impulse response functions
V.E. Farber - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow), Professor, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University). E-mail:
Features of application of probing signals with linear frequency modulation in a non-linear radiolocation
N.A. Usov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Lecturer, Air Force Military Educational Scientific Center «Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin» (Voronezh). E-mail:
Fixed delay linear interpolation
A.Yu. Shatilov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, «National Research University «MPEI» (Moscow)
Simple and high-reliability digital receiving antenna array for surface wave radar
V. A. Nikolaev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, JSC «Distant Radiocommunication Scientific Research Institute» (Moscow) E-mail: O. A. Bakurova - Engineer, JSC «Distant Radiocommunication Scientific Research Institute» (Moscow) E-mail: D. V. Botov - Engineer, JSC «Distant Radiocommunication Scientific Research Institute» (Moscow) L. G. Miklashevskaya - Engineer, JSC «Distant Radiocommunication Scientific Research Institute» (Moscow)
Periodogramm method for estimating the central frequency like-noise a signal
А.А. Grabarchuk - Engineer, FGUP Rostov - on - Don Radio Communication Scientific Research Institute E-mail: N.Yu. Muzychenko - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, FGUP Rostov - on - Don Radio Communication Scientific Research Institute E-mail:
Synthesis of linear antenna array pattern zeros
V. G. Sargsyan - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Doctoral Candidate, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Lomonosov Moscow State University E-mail: A. S. Tadevosyan - Post-graduate Student, Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems NAS of Armenia (Yerevan) E-mail: A. I. Petrosyan - Head of HF Laboratory, Yerevan Telecommunication Research Institute E-mail:
Angular superresolution of multiple targets monopulse radar with a matrix phased array by polynomial method
Yu.B. Korobochkin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Main Research Scientist, JSC «Design Bureau «Ametist» (Moscow) E-mail:,
Stability conditions of nonstationary systems of differential equations
O.V. Druzhinina - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Chief Research Scientist, FRC «Computer Science and Control» of RAS, V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of RAS (Moscow) E-mail: E.V. Lisovsky - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Kaluga Branch of the Bauman MSTU E-mail:
Estimation of influence of uncertainty of parametres of the environment of distribution on accuracy of a fixing of a source of electromagnetic radiation in the way one-item phase coordinates definition

Yu.L. Koziratsky, M.L. Parinov, P.E. Kuleshov, Keder Soleyman

 MESC AF «N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin Air Force Academy»

Algebraic solutions in determining the coordinates of the radiator by the results of multi-position measurements of field strength

V.A. Ufaev – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, 

MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)

Spatial filtering of a UWB signal in a digital ring antenna array against a background of UWB interference

A.V. Timchenko – Post-graduate Student,
Yu.I. Savinov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Senior Research Scientist
E.A. Aleshanof – Ph.D.(Eng.), Lecturer,

Algebraic solutions in determining the coordinates of the radiator by the results of multi-position measurements of field strength

V.A. Ufaev – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, 

MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)


Protection of full polarization radar stations from linear polarization interference

A.N. Krenev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, 

P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University


I.V. Chebotar – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Scientific and Pedagogical Worker, 

Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics


P.E. Petukhov – Engineer,  

P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University


M.T. Baldychev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Scientific and Pedagogical Worker,  Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics E-mail:

Software tools for analysis and synthesis of stochastic systems with high availability (VI)

.N. Sinitsyn – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Main Research Scientist, FRC «Computer Science and Control» RAS (Moscow) E-mail:

I.V. Sergeev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Deputy Director, FRC «Computer Science and Control» RAS (Moscow) E-mail:

E.R. Korepanov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, FRC «Computer Science and Control» RAS (Moscow) E-mail:

T.D. Konashenkova – Leading Programmer, FRC «Computer Science and Control» RAS (Moscow) E-mail:

Methods of construction and parameters of wideband direction finding density-tapered linear antenna array

A.V. Berezin – Lecturer, Department «Onboard Avionics Exploitation», 

MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)


A.D. Vinogradov – Honored Inventor of RF, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Main Research Scientist,  MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)


A.Yu. Mihin – Head of Sector, JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronez)


E.P. Nikitenko – Designer, JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronez) E-mail:

Method for calculating mirror antennas with an irradiator in the form of a thin symmetrical vibrator with a flat sub-reflector

S. V. Zemlyansky – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor,

Krasnodar Higher Military School n.a. General of the Army S.M. Shtemenko


D. S. Makhov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Lecturer,

Krasnodar Higher Military School n.a. General of the Army S.M. Shtemenko


S. E. Mishchenko – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist,

Federal Research and Production Center RNIIRS (Rostov-on-Don)


V. V. Shatsky – Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Office,

Federal Research and Production Center RNIIRS (Rostov-on-Don) E-mail:


Ю.Л. Козирацкий1, М.Л. Паринов2, П.Е. Кулешов3, Кедер Солайман4

1-4 ВУНЦ ВВС «ВВА им. профессора Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина» (г. Воронеж, Россия)

Analysis of current state of the theory and technique of antennas for DF systems of signals with a random linear polarization

A.V. Ashikhmin – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Main Engineer, Voronezh branch of JSC «IRKOS» E-mail:

V.A. Kozmin – Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Director on Research and Development, Voronezh branch of JSC «IRKOS» E-mail:

Yu.G. Pasternak – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Radio Electronic Systems and Devices,  Voronezh State Technical University


P.V. Pershin – Post-graduate Student, Voronezh State Technical University; Electronic Engineer,  Voronezh branch of JSC «IRKOS»


S.L. Podvalny – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Automated and Computing Systems,  Voronezh State Technical University


Spectral estimation of multifrequency reflections from a rotating space object by the Prony's method of least squares with weighing of the observation results

D.V. Avramenko – Post-graduate Student, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University


V.G. Andrejev – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Department of Radio Systems, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University E-mail:

Stability conditions of linear time-varying dynamical systems

O.V. Druzhinina – Dr.Sc.(Phys.-Math.), Professor, Main Research Scientist, FRC «Computer Science and Control» of RAS (Moscow); Main Research Scientist, V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of RAS (Moscow) E-mail:

E.V. Lisovsky – Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU E-mail:

Fast algorithm for points selection in piecewise-approximation methods of model order reduction

A.A. Dolinina – Post-graduate Student, Department of Computer Engineering and Control Systems,
Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs


V.N. Lantsov – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Computer Engineering and Control Systems, Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs


On the choice of modulation mode of satellite altimeter signal

A.E. Zhesterev1, V.P. Ipatov2

1,2 Russian Institute of Radionavigation and Time (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

Method for increasing the noise immunity of receiving UWB signals based on modulation of the duration of inter-pulse intervals in bit parcels

R.V. Antipensky1, E.R. Antipensky2, I.Kh. Erzin3

1−3MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh, Russia)

Wideband flat log-periodic radio monitoring equipment range UHF/microwave antenna and radio direction finding

A.V. Malinka1, V.A. Hodunov2, S.S. Kulikov3, T.A. Chalkina4

1-4 JSC “Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg” (Moscow, Russia)

Gaussian pulse for the tasks of object recognition that are characterized by nonlinear electrical properties

N.A. Usov

1 Military Academy of Communications name after Marshal оf the Soviet Union S.M. Budyonny (St.-Petersburg, Russia)

Broadband four-shoulder sine antenna of radio monitoring and direction finding equipment with a note system of two orthogonally combined printed resistance transformers

 V.A. Hodunov1, S.S. Kulikov2, M.A. Isaev3, V.V. Doroshenko4, V.N. Prosetsky5

1-5 JSC “CNIRTI named after academician A.I. Berg” (Moscow, Russia)

1; 2; 3; 4 

An adaptive-robust method for simultaneous detection/capture of an object's trajectory in radars with quasi-continuous chirp radiation at an extended speed range

V.N. Kovregin1, G.M. Kovregina2, А.S. Murzaev3

1-3 SUAI (St. Petersburg, Russia)

The problem of fuzzy linear automation in microeconomics on the example of optimization of investment projects

A.Yu. Shatalova1, D.A. Solodovnikov2

1,2 Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)

Predictive memory chip health based on advanced data

S.G. Vorona1, S.S. Zykova2, D.I. Kazantsev3, G.V. Kremez4

1–4 Mozhaisky Military Space Academy (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Optimal linear interpolation algorithms with fixed delay in discrete time

A.A. Cherkasova1, A.Yu. Shatilov2

1,2 AO ‘KB NAVIS” (Moscow, Russia)

1; 2;

Method of constructive synthesis of a flat active phased array antenna with a limited number of active channels

A.Y. Larin1, A.V. Litvinov2, S.E. Mishchenko3, V.V. Shatsky4, D.Y. Eliseev5

1–5 FSUE «RNIIRS» (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)


Adaptive-robust all-aspect observation of objects of different types in the main radar beam with quasi-continuous chirp radiation

 V.N. Kovregin1, G.M. Kovregina2, А.S. Murzaev3

1-3 St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrument Engineering (St. Petersburg, Russia)

1; 2; 3 

Generalized model of an ideal diode

D.V. Shushpanov1

1 Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (Saint Petersburg, Russia)