V.N. Kovregin1, G.M. Kovregina2, А.S. Murzaev3
1-3 St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrument Engineering (St. Petersburg, Russia)
1 kovregin@mail.ru; 2 g_kovregina@mail.ru; 3 a.s.murzaev@yandex.ru
Problem statement. In typical radars with quasi-continuous emission, the problems of ensuring the possibility of observing (detecting/measuring trajectories) low-speed low-altitude objects with interfering reflections from the ground, as well as increasing the efficiency, accuracy and stability of observation sessions of objects in the far zone, are topical. There are known works aimed at solving these problems within the framework of the concept of adaptive-robust observation/tracking of such objects based on radiation with linear frequency modulation of the carrier wave. They deal mainly with the single-target situation, when only one object is present in the main radar beam. In a multi-purpose situation - with several objects in the beam, in the general case, of different speeds, with different types of signal spectra, concentrated or dispersed in space - the resolution of the above problems becomes much more complicated. At the same time, modern trends towards an increase in the intensity, density of air traffic, and the number of tasks for the group use of aircraft show the increasing relevance of these problems and the need to resolve them in a multi-purpose situation.
Purpose of the article. Development and development of methodological support for adaptive-robust all-aspect (velocity-invariant) long-range observation of several objects of different speeds and spectrally diverse types that are simultaneously present in the beam.
Research methods. To achieve the goal, the methods of adaptive control of the emission / processing of quasi-continuous radio signals, frequency-time signal identification, dynamic uncertainty reduction, statistical evaluation of ambiguous measurements and simulation mathematical modeling were used.
Results. Methodological bases and logic of radiation/reception, signal processing and measurements in the radar, results of analysis and simulation modeling, confirming the effectiveness of the proposed methods and algorithms for multi-purpose all-aspect observation of objects of different types.
Practical significance and scope. The ways of expanding the functionality of the radar in multi-purpose situations, improving the throughput, accuracy, and noise immunity are shown. The results of the work can be used to improve the algorithmic software of the developed / modernized radars of various bases, and without additional requirements for the radar equipment.
Kovregin V.N., Kovregina G.M., Murzaev А.S. Adaptive-robust all-aspect observation of objects of different types in the main radar beam with quasi-continuous chirp radiation. Radiotekhnika. 2024. V. 88. № 8. P. 91−103. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202408-09 (In Russian)
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