350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №1 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Modeling of test signals for digital multichannel emission source detection system
test signal
multichannel detection system
digital signal processing
mathematical model
frequency range
linear frequency modulation
O.V. Ershova - programmer of the 1st category, «Scientific Research Centre of Supercomputers and Neurocomputers» Co Ltd. E-mail: ershova150681@mail.ru
E.V. Kirichenko - research engineer, «Scientific Research Centre of Supercomputers and Neurocomputers» Co Ltd. E-mail: e.v.kirichenko@yandex.ru
E.A. Semernikov - PhD, head of department, Southern Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Scoences, department of information technologies and control processes. E-mail: semernikov@mvs.tsure.ru
A.V. Chkan - research engineer, «Scientific Research Centre of Supercomputers and Neurocomputers» Co Ltd. E-mail: chkan_andrey@mail.ru
E.V. Kirichenko - research engineer, «Scientific Research Centre of Supercomputers and Neurocomputers» Co Ltd. E-mail: e.v.kirichenko@yandex.ru
E.A. Semernikov - PhD, head of department, Southern Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Scoences, department of information technologies and control processes. E-mail: semernikov@mvs.tsure.ru
A.V. Chkan - research engineer, «Scientific Research Centre of Supercomputers and Neurocomputers» Co Ltd. E-mail: chkan_andrey@mail.ru
As a rule, for testing of finished DSP products and their software we use signals, received in real conditions. However, for debugging of designed equipment it is convenient to use test signals, which are generated by PC simulation and have parameters close to parameters of real signals.
A mathematical model of generation of test signals for broadband multichannel DSP system of emission source detection is suggested in the paper.
The suggested model can illustrate signal environment, naturally show essence of the simulated objects and generate input data according to the features of processing algorithms and the structure of the multichannel system.
On the base of the suggested mathematical model it is possible to develop software tools for input data generation for DSP multichannel systems.
Pages: 51-58
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