350 rub
Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №12 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Periodogramm method for estimating the central frequency like-noise a signal
А.А. Grabarchuk - Engineer, FGUP Rostov - on - Don Radio Communication Scientific Research Institute E-mail: arinastrah@yandex.ru N.Yu. Muzychenko - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, FGUP Rostov - on - Don Radio Communication Scientific Research Institute E-mail: muzichenko_n@mail.ru
It is developed a periodogramm method for estimating the central frequency like-noise signal at low energy potentials transmitted and executes of its efficiency in the conditions of low energy potentials transmitted message is estimated. The metod allows at a known band noise a signal and unknown structural-time and energy options to estimate its central frequency by processing of elements unique periodogramm, constructed with a direction on a signal. Characteristic feature of the method is use at processing of the information linear mean square regresses. Working capacity and efficiency of the method are confirmed by results of comparative modeling, under the same input conditions has demonstrated in relation to the object of comparison the gain in accuracy assessment center frequency broadband signal about 1,2 times. Of this method is the monitoring system of communication and data transfer with broadband signal, working in a mode of the big zone of uncertainty on the central frequency.
Pages: 12-17


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