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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №10 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Models and methods of synthesis of technological processes
A.E. Nikitin, V.P. Rumyantsev, А.V. Trusov
In this article attempt of formalization of statement of a problem of synthesis and optimization of technological processes is undertaken, carrying out of its analytical research and are offered possible ways of reception of logically realizable decisions providing a minimum of expenses of time and used resources. In the course of synthesis of technological processes for various subject domains it is considered that at the decision of optimizing problems the common decision (a full set of private decisions) which can be received or from the full decision its subsequent reduction, or association of basic decisions is required. In a case when the considerable quantity of functions is connected with the subject domain description, simple search can is inefficient from the point of view of time expenses, in this case it is necessary to use some intellectual methods. Given article - in it, along with formal statement of a problem of synthesis of business processes is devoted this problem, approaches under its decision taking into account reduction of time expenses are considered. Along with development of the analytical device the software intended for the decision of tasks in view now is developed.
Pages: 39-46
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