350 rub
Journal Antennas №6 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The Vectorial Model of the Goniometric System's Error when Determining the Location of the Radio Radiation Source
A. Boukerroum, S. V. Pavlov
Estimation of accuracy of the location of radio radiation sources in theoretical researches, more often spend with use of elliptical model of errors. Model is simple for spending when the number of direction-finders in the network no more than two. In practical work, to estimate the accuracy of the location of radio radiation sources, the most widely used is the circular root-mean-square linear error. Its use as an estimation of linear accuracy of goniometric system assumes replacement of real elliptic dispersion of individual readout of errors with the circular. Thus the highest reliability of estimations is provided when the corners of a notch close to 90 °. In other cases at replacement of the ellipse with circle, errors increase the more strongly, than more ellipses differs from a circle. It is obvious, that for elliptic model of distribution of errors, the expected value of the accuracy of estimation depends not only on accuracy of the bearing and range to radio direction finders, but also on the direction to the radio radiation source from the centre of goniometric base. Thus error of location can be characterized with its value and a probable direction concerning the received notch. At such approach, errors of location are represented in the form of a vector which length is defined by a linear error, and the direction coincides with the direction from calculated coordinates of radiation source to their true values. For the characteristic of the direction of the error vector it is expedient to enter concept «errors of location in a direction » which quantitatively defined by the angle of rotating of the error vector from northern direction counted clockwise. Results of modeling show, that when the distance to the radiation source equal half of base of direction finding, the minimum of the average value of the linear error and its root-mean-square deviation are observed. With increase in distance to radio radiation source, errors increase. Fluctuations of values of errors of location in a direction decrease with increase in range to radio radiation source, and when the distance values to the radiation source more than direction finding base, the dispersion of values does not change.
Pages: 93-96
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