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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №8 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Character of Terahertz Waves at Frequencies of a Molecular Spectrum of Radiation and Absorption of Nitric Oxide 150,176 - 150,664 GHz Influence on System Hemodynamic Rats in Conditions of Immobilization Stress
V.F. Kirichuk, T.S. Velikanova, V.V. Velikanov, A.N. Ivanov, O.N. Antipova, N.E. Babichenko, A.P. Krenitsky
In patogenesis diseases intimately - vascular system the important role is played with infringement system hemodynamic, leading change adequate perfusion bodies and fabrics oxygen and nutrients. Resist to occurrence of illnesses of adaptation can powerful stress - limiting systems of the central and peripheral action, including system оксида nitrogen which is vasodilatator and antiagregant. Ways of pharmacological regulation known now nitric oxide entail undesirable, and sometimes and harmful by-effects. In this connection searches of new not medicamentous, nonivasive methods of maintenance of physiological concentration and regulation of synthesis оксида nitrogen now are conducted. One of such methods is THZ - therapy. It is revealed, that in a condition sharp иммобилизационного stress there is a change of parameters hemodynamic, that is accompanied statistically authentic, in comparison with group of the control, increase in average linear, average linear sistol, average linear diastol speeds of a blood-groove and a gradient of pressure. At an irradiation terahertz waves on frequencies of a molecular spectrum of radiation and absorption nitric oxide of 150,176...150,664 GHz within 15 minutes of rats in a phase - Dioestrus on a background sharp immobilization stress in a belly aorta and a femoral artery occur full restoration of the broken parameters system hemodynamic, that is expressed in absence of statistically authentic distinctions with data of group of the control.
Pages: 19-22
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