A.V. Malinka1, V.A. Hodunov2, S.S. Kulikov3, T.A. Chalkina4
1-4 JSC “Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg” (Moscow, Russia)
Statement of the problem. Article is devoted to the question of design of the antennas used in the equipment of radio monitoring and radio direction finding of the REW equipment. The main requirements to the design and characteristics of antennas of the equipment of radio monitoring and radio direction finding are provided. Aspects of bases of development of the wideband antenna with the possibility of management of polarization are considered, results of modeling of the developed antenna are given and recommendations on its application in the antenna grid are made.
Purpose. To develop the small-size antenna, the radio direction finding allowing to increase efficiency of functioning of complexes and radio monitoring in superwide frequency band with the possibility of implementation of management of polarization.
Results. On the basis of methods of electrodynamic modeling, computing methods of technical electrodynamics, methods of natural experimental measurements of characteristics of antennas and methods of computer data processing of natural experimental measurements – the antenna allowing to implement management of amplitude, phase and polarizing parameters in superwide frequency band on the basis of the flat log-periodic element and the printing transformer of resistance significantly reducing reflection coefficient level on the entrance and radiant losses which use in complexes of radio direction finding and radio monitoring will allow to reduce number of subgrids of the antenna system due to functioning of its elements in superwide frequency band is developed.
The practical importance consists in decrease in number of letters of the bearing-finding antenna systems consisting of the developed antenna elements, minimization of extent of distortions of the ultrawideband signals and supershort impulses of any (changing) polarization accepted by antenna arrangements and systems from the antenna provided in article. The developed antenna and antenna arrangements on its basis can be used for radio-electronic fight and also improvement of communication systems and distance control.
Malinka A.V., Hodunov V.A., Kulikov S.S., Chalkina T.A. Wideband flat log-periodic radio monitoring equipment range UHF/microwave
antenna and radio direction finding. Radiotekhnika. 2022. V. 86. № 10. P. 31−37. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202210-04 (In Russian)
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