D.V. Avramenko – Post-graduate Student, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University
E-mail: avramenko.denis2014@yandex.ru
V.G. Andrejev – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Department of Radio Systems, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University E-mail: andrejev.v.g@rsreu.ru
The problem of spectral analysis of reflections from the rotating object when simultaneous observations in different ranges of lengths of electromagnetic waves. It is proposed to use the modified method of least squares Prony based on the account in the form of a weight vector w = [wt] estimates of samples X of vector’s process. It is shown that for spectral analysis, gradually changing its intensity process Y of the light reflections from the space object and small (1…5) the number of observed periods of rotation, the given method allows one to significantly reduce the relative deviation of the estimates of frequency of rotation ΔF (1,5 to 84 times) compared to known least-squares Prony’s method.
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