N.A. Usov1
1 Military Academy of Communications name after Marshal оf the Soviet Union S.M. Budyonny (St.-Petersburg, Russia)
Problem formulating. Despite the possibility of wave vision in non-linear radiolocation, currently unrealizable is full cycle of information processing up to automatic recognition of objects by radar images. The main obstacle is the lack of a feature space for recognizing objects with non-linear electrical properties. In this regard, the structuring of the existing disparate features and the search for new ones require separate scientific research.
Goal. Substantiation of the feature of object recognition reflecting the specifics of the non-linear transformation of the radar signal spectrum with a special envelope shape.
Result. The regularities of deviation of the amplitude-phase parameters of the signal received on harmonics from the standard, potentially complementing the space of signs of recognition of objects with non-linear electrical properties, are revealed.
Practical meaning. The results of the research will be used in non-linear radars both in the process of creating a database of standards, and when performing procedures for recognizing types of nonlinearities in the interests of classifying probed objects.
Usov N.A. Gaussian pulse for the tasks of object recognition that are characterized by nonlinear electrical properties. Nonlinear World. 2022. V. 20. № 4. 2022. P. 22-29. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700970-202204-02 (In Russian)
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