A.A. Cherkasova1, A.Yu. Shatilov2
1,2 AO ‘KB NAVIS” (Moscow, Russia)
1 cherkasova_aa@navis.ru; 2 shatilov@navis.ru;
One of the most important characteristics of satellite navigation receiving equipment is the accuracy of navigation definitions. To improve this characteristic, the paper considers the possibility of using optimal interpolation algorithms with a fixed delay. A new interpolation algorithm with a fixed delay in discrete time was deduced. The use of the proposed interpolation algorithm instead of filtering made it possible to reduce the standard deviation by 2 times with a delay in the output of the result by 10 cycles. The advantage of the proposed algorithm is the reduction in computational complexity compared to the optimal two-way algorithm. The proposed algorithm requires 2 matrix accesses per cycle of operation, subject to the use of additional memory resources, to save pre-calculated elements.
Cherkasova A.A., Shatilov A.Yu. Optimal linear interpolation algorithms with fixed delay in discrete time. Radiotekhnika. 2023. V. 87. № 11. P. 95−108. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202311-15 (In Russian)
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