350 rub
Journal Antennas №12 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Phase quantization influence on linear antenna array characteristics
P.A. Ageev - Research Scientist of JSC - V. Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design?. E-mail: 4duskfall@gmail.com
Investigation of phase quantization influence on overlap coefficient (OC) of small linear antenna arrays is carried out. Overlap coefficient is one of the main characteristics of IFF antenna systems and it is determined as ratio of sum and compensation patterns. Investigations were made for antenna arrays with different number of elements (from 8 to 24). Difference pattern was used as compensation pattern. For usability analysis of OC value by beam scanning function (DF) of two patterns difference was used. OC was evaluated as integral of the DF in the limits of controlled angles. It is shown when using 4 bit phase shifter in small antenna array for beam scanning there are some directions where overlap coefficient is decreasing. Results for constant length antenna array when element spacing is changing were obtained. For constant phase gradient and 6 bit phase shifter OC is rising practically linearly with number of elements increasing. For 4 bit phase shifter OC reaches its maximum with number of elements of 20 and more. For reaching planar arrays with performance one need to use a 6 bit phase shifters in linear antenna array.
Pages: 20-25

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