V.A. Hodunov1, S.S. Kulikov2, M.A. Isaev3, V.V. Doroshenko4, V.N. Prosetsky5
1-5 JSC “CNIRTI named after academician A.I. Berg” (Moscow, Russia)
1 hodunov_valentin@mail.ru; 2 s1y6@mail.ru; 3 m.issaev20001@yandex.ru; 4 kosmos.smirnov.99@mail.ru
Problem statement. The article presents material on the development of antennas used in radio monitoring and radio direction finding equipment of electronic warfare equipment. The basic requirements for the design and characteristics of antennas of radio monitoring and direction finding equipment are presented. Aspects of the fundamentals of the development of a four-arm broadband antenna powered by two orthogonally combined printed resistance transformers, which has not been used before, for the possibility of controlling polarization, are considered, the results of modeling the developed antenna are presented and recommendations for its use in the antenna array are given.
Purpose. To develop a small-sized antenna that allows to increase the efficiency of the operation of radio direction finding and radio monitoring complexes in an ultra-wide frequency band, with a special power supply system of two orthogonally combined printed resistance transformers for the possibility of implementing polarization control.
Results. Based on the methods of electrodynamic modeling, computational methods of technical electrodynamics, methods of full–scale experimental measurements of antenna characteristics and methods of computer processing of data of full-scale experimental measurements, an antenna has been developed that allows the control of amplitude, phase and polarization parameters in an ultra-wide frequency band. The developed antenna is based on a flat four-arm sine element with a power supply system of two orthogonally arranged printed resistance transformers. The resistance transformer significantly reduces the level of the reflection coefficient at the input and radiation losses. The use of this development in radio direction finding and radio monitoring complexes will reduce the number of sublattices of the antenna system due to the functioning of its elements in an ultra-wide frequency band.
The practical significance lies in reducing the number of letters of radio direction finding antenna systems consisting of the developed antenna elements, minimizing the degree of distortion of ultra-wideband signals and ultrashort pulses of arbitrary (varying) polarization received by antenna devices and systems from the antenna presented in the article. The developed antenna and antenna devices based on it can be used for electronic warfare, as well as improving communication and remote control systems.
Hodunov V.A., Kulikov S.S., Isaev M.A., Doroshenko V.V., Prosetsky V.N. Broadband four-shoulder sine antenna of radio monitoring and direction finding equipment with a note system of two orthogonally combined printed resistance transformers. Radiotekhnika. 2024. V. 88. № 5. P. 67−74. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202405-08 (In Russian)
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