Articles by keyword методология
Informatics department of public health ministry russian leading research institute of public health and health informatics
O.V. Simakov, G.S. Lebedev
Substantive Provisions of Methodology of Synthesis of Multipurpose Disputed-Steady System of Radio-Electronic Struggle
Maevskiy, Ju. I.
Directions of Development of Methodology of Substantiation of Means of Communication and Electromagnetic Intelligence at Engineering-Information for Radio-Electronic War
Radzievsky, V.G.
State and Directions of the Development of Methodology of the Motivation of the Requirements to Radio Communication Countermeasures Technology
Baturin, Yu.O., Saitcev, I.V., Poddubny, V.N., Pustovoitov, Yu.I., Chikin, M.G.
Directions of Development of Methodical Maintenance for an Estimation of Efficiency of Technics of Optiko-Electronic Suppression
Artuch, S.N., Levshin, E.A., Utyomov, S.V., Pachomov, L.A.
Dynamic Power Optimization for VLSI and System-on-Chip
V.M. Dyakonov, A.V. Korshunov, A.V. Marinych
Tensor method of the analysis of a transistor frequency transformer
A. M. Mezhuev, V. M. Delik
Priority directions of health informatics on 2010 - 2012
O. V. Simakov, G. S. Lebedev
Information-educational resources to research university
A. I. Guseva, V. S. Kireev, A. A. Ilukhin, F. S. Tzuplakov, A. V. Ivanov, I. M. Kozgin
Informatization of healthcare - investition in future
O. V. Simakov, V. V. Tereshenko
Current Problems of Analytical Researches in Bioelementology
E.S. Berezkina, E.V. Lakarova, Y.V. Lomakin, A.V. Skalny
Popper-s criterion vs. information security research
D.Y. Gamayunov
The possibilities of interpretation of the basic tenets of the theory of innovation and knowledge methodology of innovation theory based on the classical laws of thermodynamics
V.K. Fedorov, V.P. Marin, N.N. Beklemishev
Dynamic integrated expert systems construction based on the task-oriented methodology
G.V. Rybina, A.V. Mozgachev, Soe Thi Ha Aung
Integrated expert system for diagnosis of billet quality for electron-beam lithography
G.V. Rybina, Yu.M. Blokhin, G.S. Gokhberg, A.S. Rudyi
Development of SCORM methodology in creating off information-educational resources
A.I. Guseva, A.V. Ivanov, I.M. Kozgin, V.S. Kireev, A.S. Tzuplakov
Neural existential simulation of diffusion-synergetic detailed aspects of the volumetric neurotrnsmitting: neurocomputers in neurobiology
A.V. Savelyev
Conceptual aspects theories of development of innovative potential
A.S. Dudnikov, P.N. Dytynenko
New 3D-information technology in the animated «revival» of cellular tissue on the basis of socio-communicative simulation methodology
V.V. Kolushov, A.V. Savelyev
Design techniques for static power reducing of nanometer VLSI
V.A. Bespalov, V.M. Dyakonov, A.V. Korshunov
Design techniques for static power reducing of nanometer VLSI
V.A. Bespalov, V.M. Dyakonov, A.V. Korshunov
Information technology normalization
Y.V. Krianev
Methodological aspect of working out location systems
N.V. Maljutin, G.M. Mezhlumov, M.G. Zagorodnikov
The self-organization cellular neuroimaging and information design «virtual-living» objects
V. V. Kolushov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of «Нigher mathematics», Ufa State Aviation Technical University (Ufa). E-mail:
A. V. Savelyev - Senior Research Scientist, Editor of the Journal «Neurocomputers: development, application», patent agency «©Uniquely honest patenting», E-mail:
Models, methods and tools for intelligent program environment for integrated expert systems construction
G.V. Rybina - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow). Е-mail:
Yu.M. Blokhin - Post-graduate Student, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow) I.D. Danyakin - Post-graduate Student, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow)
Simulation modeling of the external world in the construction of dynamic integrated expert systems
G.V. Rybina - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow). E-mail:
V.M. Rybin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow). E-mail:
S.S. Parondzhanov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow). E-mail:
Soe Thi Ha Aung - Post-graduate Student, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow). E-mail:
Synergy of all-purpose static solver and temporal reasoning tools in dynamic integrated expert systems
G.V. Rybina - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, RF President Prize Winner for Education, Department of Cybernetics, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow). E-mail: A.V. Mozgachev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Assistant, Department of Cybernetics, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow). E-mail: D.V. Demidov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Assistant, Department of Cybernetics, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow). E-mail:
Simulation modeling of the external worldin the construction of dynamic integrated expert systems
G. V. Rybina - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI. E-mail: V. M. Rybin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI. E-mail: S. S. Parondzhanov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI. E-mail: Soe Thi Ha Aung - Post-graduate Student, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI. E-mail:
Intelligent technology for integrated expert systems construction
G. V. Rybina - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Cybernetic, National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" Y. M. Blokhin - Assistant, Department of Cybernetic, National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" I. D. Danyakin - Post-graduate Student, Department of Cybernetic, National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"
Dynamic integrated expert systems: synergy of universal and temporal solvers
G. V. Rybina - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, RF President Prize Winner for Education, Department of Cybernetics, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI. E-mail: A. V. Mozgachev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Assistant, Department of Cybernetics, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI. E-mail: D. V. Demidov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Assistant, Department of Cybernetics, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI. E-mail:
Competitive spacecraft creation based on the effective management of intellectual property. By the example of JSC «Informational Satellite Systems» by academician M.F. Reshetnev
R.P. Turkenich - Ph. D. (Eng.), Advisor to the General Director, JSC «Academician M.F. Reshetnev «Information Satellite Systems» (Zheleznogorsk). E-mail: U.V. Vilkov - Deputy General Director and General Designer on development and innovation, JSC «Academician M.F. Reshetnev «Information Satellite Systems» (Zheleznogorsk). E-mail:
Reconstruction of relations between components of subjective experience by specialized neurons activity analysis
A.G. Gorkin - Ph.D. (Psychol.), Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Psychology RAS (Moscow). E-mail: A.V. Rozhdestvin - Post-graduate Student, Institute of Psychology RAS (Moscow). E-mail: Yu.R. Chistova - Post-graduate Student, State Academic University of Humanitarian Sciences (Moscow). E-mail:
Neurophilosophy in system neuroscience
Yu.Yu. Petrunin - Dr.Sc. (Philos.), Professor, Strategic Communications Chair of State Management Department, School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University. E-mail:
Scientific heritage of I. M. Sechenov and modern applied neurocomputing
Yu.Yu. Petrunin Dr.Sc. (Philos.), Professor, Strategic Communications Chair, State Management Department, School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University. E-mail:
Temporal knowledge acquisition peculiarities in dynamic integrated expert systems
G.V. Rybina - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Cybernetics, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute). E-mail: I.D. Danyakin - Post-Graduate Student, Department of Cybernetics, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute). E-mail:
Neurocomputing between sciences and pseudoscience
Yu.Yu. Petrunin - Ph.D., Dr.Sc. (Philos.), Professor, School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Co-Chairman of the Organizing Committee, the leading symposium Neyrophilosophy\". E-mail:
Digital neural intreface
N.A. Novoselova-Savelyevа - Ophthalmologist, Bashkir State Medical University, clinic №40 (Ufa) A.V. Savelyev - Senior Research Scientist, Deputy Editor in Chief of the Journal «Neurocomputers: development, application», «Radio Engineering» Publisher, Director of the Patent agency «©Uniquely honest patenting», Scientific coordinator of the permanent seminar «Neyrophylosophy» of the Moscow State University by M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow). E-mail:
System engineering in the context of national science and technology
S.A. Narushay - Applicant of Science Degree, MSTU (Moscow). E-mail:
Autopoiesis and neural networks
O.E. Backsanskiy - Dr.Sc. (Philos.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Philosophy Institute of RAS. E-mail:
The self-organization cellular neuroimaging and information design «virtual-living» objects
I.S. Bryantcev - Student, Moscow City Pedagogical University. E-mail: V.V. Kolushov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of «Нigher mathematics» of Ufa State Aviation Technical University (Ufa). E-mail: A.V. Savelyev - Senior Research Scientist, Director of the Patent agency «©Uniquely honest patenting» (Moscow). E-mail:
Digital laterization neural intreface
N.A. Novoselova-Savelyevа - Ophthalmologist, Bashkir State Medical University, clinic №40 (Ufa) A.V. Savelyev - Senior Research Scientist, Director of the Patent agency «©Uniquely honest patenting», Scientific coordinator of the permanent seminar «Neyrophylosophy» of the Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow). E-mail:
The method of analogies and neurocomputing
O.E. Petrunia - Ph.D. (Philos.), Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Social Communication, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). E-mail:
Memristors and - Philosophy
A.Yu. Alekseev - Ph.D. (Philos.), Leading Research Scientist, Philosophy Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Associate Professor, Moscow State Institute of Culture; Science Coordinator of Research Programs of the Scientific Council of Artificial Intelligence Methodology of RAS, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:
Cognitive technologies in a converged approach
O.E. Backsanskiy - Dr.Sc. (Philos.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Philosophy Institute of RAS, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:
Computer modeling of temporal knowledge acquisition for knowledge base development in dynamic integrated expert systems
G.V. Rybina - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Cybernetics, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute). E-mail: S.S. Parondzhanov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Cybernetics, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute). E-mail: I.D. Danyakin - Post-graduate Student, Department of Cybernetics, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute). E-mail:
About the methodology and model approaches to the assessment of medium-sized business enterprise risks in the electronic components import
V.O. Fedorov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU E-mail: S.A. Kuznetsov - Assistant, Department of Applied Economics, NUST «MIS&S» (Moscow) E-mail: A.V. Chelenko - Post-graduate Student, Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU E-mail: N.V. Yarantsev - Ph. D. (Eng.), Head of Basic Departments of Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU in JSC \"VOSHOD\"-KRLZ E-mail:
Improving information support of decision-making in conditions of uncertainty when assessing the performance of special purpose systems
G.V. Antsev - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, General Director - General Designer, JSC «Concern «Morinsys-Agat» (Moscow) E-mail: A.K. Krasnikov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Deputy Head of Staff training and retraining Scientific and Tutorial Center, JSC «Concern «Morinsys-Agat» (Moscow) E-mail: E.S. Novikov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Program Chief Designer - Head of Staff training and retraining Scientific and Tutorial Center, JSC «Concern «Morinsys-Agat» (Moscow) E-mail:
Methodological bases of the organization multiplanimetric adaptation in network information systems

A.M. Mezhuev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department,
MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)

I.I. Pasechnikov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Department,
Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin

A.V. Korennoi – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Professor of Department,
MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh) E-mail:

Selection of technological solutions within the framework of the development of the methodology of analytical design of antenna-feeder systems of special radio communication

K.V. Kotkov, M.A. Minkin, M.I. Naryshkin, N.A. Nosov

JSC “SIP RS” (Samara, Russia)

Tensor orthogonal model taking into account influence of conditions of hindrances at the estimation of information efficiency of infocommunications networks

A.M. Mezhuev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department, 

MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)


I.I. Pasechnikov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Department, Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin E-mail:

A.V. Korennoy – Honored Scientist of RF, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Department №122, 

MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)


Method of formation structurally steady and it is information effective network information systems

A.M. Mezhuev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department, 

MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)


A.V. Korennoi – Honored Scientist of RF, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Department №122, 

MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)


I.I. Pasechnikov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Department, 

Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin


Structural adaptation of telecommunication systems with ensuring admissible information losses

A.M. Mezhuev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department, 

MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)


A.V. Korennoi – Honored Scientist of RF, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, 

Department №122, MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)


D.L. Sturov – Post-graduate Student, 

MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)


A formalized concept to design prototypes and means of electronic warfare

G.I. Andreev − Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, General Director,

JSC «Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow, Russia) E-mail:

M.E. Zamarin − Deputy Director General for Science, 

JSC «Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow, Russia) E-mail:

P.A. Sozinov − Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Chief Designer – Deputy Director General, 

«Almaz-Antey» Corp. (Moscow, Russia)


V.P. Soldatov − Chief Specialist of EWR&D Center,

JSC «Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow, Russia)


Methodological bases of the organization of testing of electronic warfare equipment in the conditions of the landfill

A.A. Epsilov − Head of Research & Technology Division,

JSC «Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow, Russia) E-mail:

M.E. Zamarin − Deputy General Director for Science, 

JSC «Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow, Russia)


A.V. Nikitin − Deputy Head of Research & Technology Division,

JSC «Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow, Russia)


V.P. Soldatov − Chief Specialist of EWR&D Center,

JSC «Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow, Russia) E-mail:

Approach for opinion mining in texts based on plausible reasoning

E.V. Kotelnikov – Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Vyatka State University


V.R. Milov – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department «Electronics and Computers Networks», Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev


Methodological bases of the organization multiplanimetric adaptation in network information systems

A.M. Mezhuev1, I.I. Pasechnikov2, A.V. Korennoi3

1, 3 MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh, Russia)

2 Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin (Tambov, Russia)

Simulation modeling of the external world in the construction of dynamic integrated expert systems

G.V. Rybina1, V.M. Rybin2, S.S. Parondzhanov3, Soe Thi Ha Aung4

1–4 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow, Russia)

Dynamic integrated expert systems: synergy of universal and temporal solvers

G.V. Rybina1, A. V. Mozgachev2, D.V. Demidov3

1–3 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow, Russia)

Dynamic integrated expert systems: technology of automated acquisition, representation and processing of temporal knowledge

G. V. Rybina1

1 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education National
Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow, Russia)

Software project management: life cycle models and development methodologies, analysis and classification

K.S. Myshenkov1, D.A. Gurianov2

1,2 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University) (Moscow, Russia),