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Journal №6 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Current Problems of Analytical Researches in Bioelementology
E.S. Berezkina, E.V. Lakarova, Y.V. Lomakin, A.V. Skalny
It is known that chemical elements exist in the organism not by themselves, but in certain species having close interaction with other components. Such units are proposed to be called bioelements: the elementary functioning units of living matter, which are biologically active complexes of chemical elements as atoms, ions or nanoparticles with organic compounds of exogenous or biogenous origin. The scientific discipline, which study bioelements, is proposed to be called bioelementology. This discipline could lay the foundation for the integration of bioorganic chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, biophysics, molecular biology and other parts of life sciences. The choice of analytical method is determined primarily by the purpose and objectives of the study. It should not be limited by analytic capabilities specific team of researchers. Most universal methods to determine the elemental composition of biological samples are inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The remaining analytical methods have more limited applications in biomedical investigations. For the most rapid and effective development of research in the bioelementology field in our country should establish a network of cooperating accredited laboratories, research groups that can quickly analyze and interpreting the data as soon as possible. Total determination of chemical elements in tissues and body fluids, unfortunately, not always meet the demands of modern clinical medicine, toxicology, veterinary medicine and related disciplines Speciation analysis is one of the modern scientific fields, contributing to a better understanding of the biological role of the chemical elements. The main purpose of speciation analysis the determination of its species, depending on the physiological and metabolic processes occurring in healthy or diseased organism. Research in the field of speciation analysis should first be directed at studying the essential (Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Cr, Mo, Ni, Se, I, F, V, Co, Si) and toxic (Hg, Pb, Cd, Tl, Sb, etc.) elements as the most relevant in modern medicine and biology. In recent years, most often in biomedical studies use a combination of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and ICP-MS, and most papers are devoted to speciation analysis only a few elements: Se, As, Hg, I. Analysis of the chemical forms of elements is a modern approach to safety of life and improve the quality of human life. Analysis of the chemical forms provides the information necessary to describe the effects of active form of elements, which is not available when determining the total content of the element. The concept of research involves determining the chemical form of the element, toxicity, essential, role for human health, nutritional characteristics, environmental impacts specific chemical form of the element (rather than the item itself).
Pages: 14-19
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