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Journal Neurocomputers №8 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
New 3D-information technology in the animated «revival» of cellular tissue on the basis of socio-communicative simulation methodology
V.V. Kolushov, A.V. Savelyev
Visualization has been and remains the most informative view of understanding data received. Through the development of introscopic engineering and information technologies in this field has achieved considerable success. However, with continued improvement of information technology is becoming urgent task not only increase the number of observations of the functioning of the biological object or a limited area at a time, and adequate representation of the information received. The paper presents the results of studies of alternative solutions to the problems of functional dynamic visualization of tissue and develop a methodology for designing specialized algorithms animatsionnnoy visualization, allowing to reproduce the effects of structural-functional «revival» of images of real biological tissue of the nervous system. Developed and applied by the authors in the algorithms of the principle of superposition allows you to create effects of the «revival» of an individual cell, cell association to the department or area of the brain to detect the real neyrofiziologicheaskie event and recreate a picture of the functioning of living tissue. Developed principles of modeling and complex algorithms were successfully applied to solve some problems and got kardiodinamiki introduction to therapeutic practice, in particular, to the morpho-functional diagnostics of the spatial position of the sources of arrhythmia in myocardial tissue. In view of considerable complexity, or sometimes even impossible to observe such objects in situ, especially cell dimension, plays an invaluable role modeling, the results of the development of an approach which is considered in the present study. The results can be useful in developing diagnostic and therapeutic simulators (simulation software and hardware), including using morphological 3D-technologies, combining them with the functioning of the nervous tissue down to the cellular level ? «revival» of computer reconstructions of the morphology. Such simulations can be applied when using them in actual morphometric data for diagnosis and therapy, and also used in training programs for undergraduate and graduate students and continuing medical education. This methodology is conceptual and can be used as a general approach to modeling highly complex systems in a spatio-temporal dynamics and functional, as well as an extension of the concept of paradigm neurocomputer.
Pages: 18-26
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