A.M. Mezhuev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department,
MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)
E-mail: multitenzor@mail.ru
I.I. Pasechnikov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Department,
Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin
E-mail: pasechnikov_ivan@mail.ru
A.V. Korennoi – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Professor of Department,
MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh) E-mail: korennoj@mail.ru
Work is devoted formation of methodology of the organisation of complex multiplanimetric adaptation of network information systems (NIS) to changing conditions of an information exchange and influence of destabilising factors.
On the basis of the analysis of existing approaches to realisation of adaptive management NIS during researches the architecture of methodology of adaptation on the basis of new system of the generalised indicators of information efficiency is offered. The developed architecture has complex character, combining in a uniform problem of function of adaptation in all three contours of adaptive management: parametrical, algorithmic and structural. The objective reasons of necessity of the new methodological device for the organisation of multiplanimetric adaptation in NIS are noted. The block diagramme of the organisation of methodology on which the separate levels of assumptions assumed at its realisation are allocated is developed. Within the limits of each level the basic indicators, methods, processes and models of the organisation of complex multiplanimetric adaptation are proved and defined, interrelations between separate levels are noted. As a theoretical basis of the organisation of complex multiplanimetric adaptation NIS methods of an estimation of efficiency of an information exchange (information efficiency) systems on the basis of the new generalised universal indicators are developed.
The method of current estimations of information efficiency NIS allows to define on the basis of values of efficiency of information transfer degree of affinity of system to limiting possibilities on an information exchange. Advantages of such estimation are: physical and quantitative unambiguity, the simultaneous account of properties of transfer and information storage in NIS. The method of an estimation of information efficiency NIS taking into account influence of hindrances provides specification of current estimations of efficiency of information transfer in the conditions of influence of destabilising factors with use of the standard indicator of a noise stability of an information exchange – a logarithm of probability of an error of a single elementary parcel. The method of an interval estimation of information efficiency NIS with use of threshold level of efficiency of information transfer allows to define area of high information system effectiveness on an entrance (transit) information stream, and also a time delay. At last, the method of an estimation of efficiency of an information exchange on the basis of increments of efficiency of information transfer with indicator use – a tangent of angle of strip efficiency, defines the basic operating modes of system and its stability to changes of operating conditions. The generalised block diagramme which reflects work of all presented methods of a current, interval and differential estimation of information efficiency taking into account influence of destabilising factors at the decision of problems of adaptive management of work NIS in the higher contours of adaptation (algorithmic and structural) is received. On the basis of imitating modelling practical application of the developed methods is shown at the decision of problems of adaptation in NIS, than provided: increase of efficiency of information transfer of system, pass-band expansion on an entrance information stream, and also timely reaction to changes of an entrance information stream and influence of hindrances by the balanced management of net-work resources and actions of increase of a noise stability of an information exchange.
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- Mezhuev A.M. Tenzornye metody v teorii otsenki informatsionnoi effektivnosti i analiza elementov tsifrovykh radiosetei. Tambov: INTEGRATSIYA. 2008. 262 s. (in Russian)
- Mezhuev A.M., Pasechnikov I.I., Tretyakov M.G. Strukturnye kharakteristiki informatsionnoi seti na osnove spektralnogo analiza topologii. Vestnik Tambovskogo Universiteta. 2016. T. 21. № 2. S. 676–680. (in Russian)
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- Mezhuev A.M. Intervalnaya otsenka kachestva informatsionnogo obmena v tsifrovykh radiosetyakh. Vestnik Voronezhskogo instituta FSIN Rossii. 2015. № 2. S. 21–26. (in Russian)
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- Mezhuev A.M., Roza A.N., Konovalchuk E.V. Algoritm adaptivnogo upravleniya v avtomatizirovannoi sisteme dekametrovoi radiosvyazi. Radiotekhnika. 2016. № 10. S. 178–188. (in Russian)
- Mezhuev A.M., Pasechnikov I.I. Opredelenie polosy propuskaniya informatsionnoi seti po vkhodnomu trafiku na osnove ispolzovaniya znacheniya ee kiberneticheskoi moshchnosti. Vestnik Voronezhskogo instituta FSIN. 2016. № 3. S. 22–27. (in Russian)