G.I. Andreev − Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, General Director,
JSC «Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow, Russia) E-mail: post@cnirti.ru
M.E. Zamarin − Deputy Director General for Science,
JSC «Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow, Russia) E-mail: m.zamarin@mail.ru
P.A. Sozinov − Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Chief Designer – Deputy Director General,
«Almaz-Antey» Corp. (Moscow, Russia)
E-mail: ntr@almaz-antey.ru
V.P. Soldatov − Chief Specialist of EWR&D Center,
JSC «Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow, Russia)
E-mail: soldatov_cnirti@mail.ru
To design prototypes and means of electronic warfare a formalized concept is suggested in this paper. It is based on decision theory, fundamentals of system analysis, mathematical modeling and high-level design of radio technical systems.
To formulate a formalized concept were used some methods from system dynamics, game theory, heuristic programming, simulation modeling and venture management that has been elaborated during past decades. Key feature of suggested approach is in the unity of formalized and nonformalized methods used in it. A step-by-step treatment of a problem, a more detailed with each step, allows to form a row of models with a feedback. Each model in a row gives a more detailed solution than the previous one.
To put a formalized concept into practice one must acquire input data and formulate appropriate limitations and assumptions. Therefore, researches are caddied out, various versions of a future project are suggested. The purpose of this step is to assess the possibility to design prototypes and means of electronic warfare according to given requirements, to acquire input data and to get a preliminary cost estimating and due date. The result of the first step is a draft proposal.
The second step of the formalized concept is a preliminary design of prototypes and means of electronic warfare. After its adoption engineering design is carried out to get the final design of prototypes and means of electronic warfare. To produce prototypes and means of electronic warfare one has to prepare a package of design documentation. And this is the purpose of the next step of the formalized concept. After producing of a prototype, it is tested and mistakes in its design can be revealed. Then design documentation must be corrected. The result of suggested formalized concept is getting a package of design documentation enough to produce new prototypes and means of electronic warfare or upgraded ones in given conditions according to regulations and standards.
To design prototypes and means of electronic warfare the progress of design must be divided into levels according to hierarchic structure. The term level means a number of specifications at a given hierarchic level with problem formulations, design principles and solution of arising design problems.
At a top hierarchic level, the whole object as many interacting subsystems is considered. Each subsystem should not be described too detailed. At the next hierarchic level, each subsystem is considered separately, and it includes some elements that are better described. This hierarchic level is referred to as subsystem level. This specification can be continued up to basic elements (the lower hierarchic level).
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