Articles by keyword semantic
Allocation of information fragments from the data flow
R. A. Kolesnikov
The Protected Semantic Search
K. E. Seleznev
Language of Schemes of Radicals in Problem Questions of Redesign Researches, Equipment and Support of Complex Systems and Experimental Problems of Introduction of Critical High Technologies
The conception of infocomunication growth in Internet environment
V. V. Alexandrov, S. V. Kuleshov, O. V. Tsvetkov, S. P. Levachkine
S.S. Smirnov
Ontology method of search for medications
R. R. Fatkieva, A. S. Lvov
A. Yu. Novikov, M. G. Stolyarov
Creation of systems of acquisition of knowledge for construction of medical expert systems on the basis of a kernel of software "MedExp"
D. A. Makarov, A. I. Molodchenkov
The conceptual structure of automation of the text discourse analysis with the use of semantics
A.Yu. Novikov
Diagnosing Process Control Using a Clinician`s Decision Support System
E.V. Sadykova
The Functional Models of Purposeful Natural Phenomena Sign Search in the Covariance Matrix Eigenvectors of Time Series
V.V. Isakevich, L.V. Grunskaya, D.V. Isakevich, L.T. Sushkova, A.S. Batin
The algorithm of the initial semantic interpretation of clauses for building up the initial semantic analysis subsystem in the automatic text processing system using semantics of the applied domain
A.Yu. Novikov, M.G. Stolyarov
Physical concept of information in relation to problems of measurement and management of audio-visual data redundancy
O. V. Tsvetkov
Variation of the user of order of sample of documents in search engines
E.A. Eltarenko
Method of estimating of interoperability for document management system as an open information system
V. I. Vorobiev, F. S. Kortikov
Approach to automation of development of syllabus study sequence and generation of creative tasks for the automated training system
A. I. Katykhin, V. V. Makeev, A. S. Sizov
Development of Information and Analytical Support for Scientific and Research Activities in the National Nuclear Research University «MEPHI»
V.I. Budzko, D.V. Leonov, V.S. Nikolayev, B.N. Onykiy, K.A. Sokolina
Ontologies for learning integrated expert systems
G.V. Rybina, M.V. Yusova, E.V. Churdalev
Hierarchically built memory for access to scientific data of a large volume
A. Belokonny, S. Kurbatov, O. Molchanov, A. Lobzin
The unified language for querying databases
I.V. Merkeev
Conceptual model of ontology of the applied domain for building up text documents processing systems using semantics
A.Yu. Novikov
The method for determining the value of information text document full-text search, taking into account the relationship between the concepts of the applied domain
A.Yu. Novikov, M.G. Stolyarov
System-level approach to design and development of domain-specific information and control systems
P.A. Smirnov, S.V. Kovalchuk, A.V. Boukhanovsky
The approach to association of the facts in information-analytical systems
A.L. Butov, A.S. Sizov., U.A. Khalin
Formation of a semantic network for noegenesis in information-analytical systems
A.T. Mirgaleev
Technical and information aspects individual-based learning
V.M. Кrol, A.A. Shashkov
Сreating a new generation of intellectual systems for semantic text analysis
V.N. Polyakov, V.D. Solovyev, I.S. Anisimov, A.D. Ponomarev
Using the methods of color segmentation and semantic description of images in the «adult image» identification problem
N.S. Belliustin, Yu.D. Kalafati, A.A. Tel-nykh, O.V. Shemagina
Model of ontology for knowledge domain monitoring task on the basis of partial semantic interpretation of text information content
A.Yu. Novikov, I.Yu. Golikov
Design of information simulators for the automation of training process
V.V. Lukin - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Moscow City University of Psychology and Education D.A. Pominov - Post-graduate Student, Moscow City University of Psychology and Education
Displaying the subjective differences of names of emotions and the differences in their expressive facial profiles in circular structures of 6-dimensional semantic space
S. G. Korshunova  Senior Research Scientist, Department of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University. E-mail:
O. B. Stepanova  Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University. E-mail:
Formal integration of scientific and technical information in the area of design and application of neurocomputers
I. S. Pavlovskiy - Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Odintsovo University for the Humanities (Moscow Region)
Scheme of linguistic signs in natural language texts
А. М. Potapenko - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Professor, Department of Information Protection and Communication Systems, South-West State University, Kursk, Russia. E-mail:
А. G. Yurchenko - Senior Engineer-Programmer, Сlosed Joint Stock Company «Scientific-Technical Center «Search IT», Moscow, Russia. E-mail:
Multi-agent information analysis system for natural science and technology
A. A. Artamonov - Post-graduate Student of the Department №65 «Analysis of Competitive Systems», National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute). E-mail:
D. V. Leonov - Senior Lecturer, Deputy Chairman of the Department №65 «Analysis of Competitive Systems», National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute). E-mail:
B. N. Onykiy - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Chairman of the Department №65 «Analysis of Competitive Systems», National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute). E-mail:
L. V. Pronicheva - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Deputy Chairman of the Department №65 «Analysis of Competitive Systems», National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute). E-mail:
Applying ontological approach to the analysis of the state of local area network
N.G. Yarushkina - Dc. Sci. (Eng), Professor, Head of the Department of Information Systems at Ulyanovsk State Technical University. E-mail:
V.S. Moshkin - post-graduate student at the Chair «Information Systems» of Ulyanovsk State Technical University. E-mail:
Intellectualization of access to geodata based on semantic geointeroperability
S.K. Dulin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow). E-mail:
N.G. Dulina - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow). E-mail:
P.V. Ermakov - Post-graduate Student, Institute of Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow). E-mail:
Semantic structuring of textual knowledge for the system of analytical monitoring the big data in social sphere
Yu. I. Morozova - Research Scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail:
E. B. Kozerenko - Ph. D. (Phil.), Head of Laboratory, Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail:
V. I. Budzko - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Deputy Director for Sciences, Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail:
K. I. Kuznetsov - Research Scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail:
М. М. Charnine - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail:
Automatic construction of a formalized representation of semantic contents of unstructured texts of mass-media and social networks
A.A. Khoroshilov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). E-mail:
Yu. V. Nikitin - Applicant, Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail:
Alexei A. Khoroshilov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Research Scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail:
V. I. Budzko - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Deputy Director, Institute of Information Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail:
New approach to modeling knowledge through molinga
G. B. Bronfeld - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Nizhniy Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev
Intellectualization of access to geodata based on semantic geointeroperability
S.K. Dulin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail: N.G. Dulina - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail: P.V. Ermakov - Post-graduate Student, Institute of Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail:
3D-semantics of cognitive biomedicine dictionary and Kor-sakov-Turing machine
A.Yu. Alekseev - Ph.D. (Philos.), Associate Professor, Moscow State Institute of Culture; Visiting Fellow of Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences; Science Coordinator of Research Programs of the Scientific Council of Artificial Intelligence Methodology of RAS(Moscow). E-mail:
Modern automatic text processing technologies
Yu.P. Kalinin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Laboratory, Institute of Informatics Problems, FRC CSC RAS. E-mail: A. A. Khoroshilov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems, FRC CSC RAS; Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). E-mail: A.A. Khoroshilov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Research Scientist, Institute of Informatics Problems, FRC CSC RAS. E-mail:
Applying of inference algorithm based on FUZZYOWL-ontology
N.G. Yarushkina - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department «Information Systems», Ulyanovsk State Technical University. E-mail: V.S. Moshkin - Post-graduate Student, Department «Information Systems», Ulyanovsk State Technical University. E-mail:
Radarsandnon-coordinate characteristics of target
G.V. Antsev - Ph.D. (Eng.), General Director - General Designer of JSC «Concern «Agat», JSC «Radar mms» V.A. Sarychev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.) - main scientist member of JSC «Concern «Agat», JSC «Radar mms»
Objective assessment of radar image semantic saturation
А.А. Romanov - Post-graduate Student, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Engineer, JSC «Concern «VEGA». E-mail:
Image saturation assessment method for automated radar image processing systems
А.А. Romanov - Engineer, JSC «Concern «VEGA»; Post-graduate Student, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). E-mail:
The solution to the problem of information support of process of search results for drug interactions based on the analysis of the results of the interaction of their pharmacological mechanisms, physical and chemical properties
N.G. Preferansky - Dr.Sc. (Pharm.), Professor, Department of Telemedicine and medical Informatics, Head of Department of Development of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information Systems NP MIAC RAMS (Moscow). E-mail: T.L. Guscina - Programmer, Department of Development of Medical and Pharmaceutical Information Systems NP MIAC RAMS (Moscow). E-mail: N.G. Preferanskaya - Ph.D. (Pharm.), Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical Universiry (Moscow). Е-mail:
Decision making support based on fuzzy logic in medical purpose systems
E.N. Dolzhenko Tubercolotherapist Highest Catehory, Deputy Chief Physician at the Organizational and Methodological Work, Ryazan Regional Clinical Antitubercular Dispensary S.Y. Zhuleva Sinior Lecturer, Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University A.V. Kroshilin Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University, Professor, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences A.N. Pylkin Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Honored Worker of Higher School of Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Russia, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Engineering, Head of the Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University
Semantic space of auditory perception of intonation of speech utterances
S.G. Korshunova - Ph.D. (Psyhol.), Senior Research Scientist, Lomonosov Moscow State University. E-mail: O.B. Stepanova - Ph.D. (Psyhol.), Associate Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University. E-mail:
The remarks about temporal fuzzy clusterization
V.A. Raikhlin - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department «Computer systems», Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev (KNRTU-KAI). E-mail: (
Way of text classification based on use of neural networks and semantic attributes
A.V. Pavlenko, A.Yu. Novikov
Semiotics in the structure of the semantic geo interoperability, required to render geoobjects
S.K. Dulin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, FRC «Computer Science and Control» RAS (Moscow) N.G. Dulina - Ph. D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, FRC «Computer Science and Control» RAS (Moscow) D.A. Nikishin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Head of Sector, FRC «Computer Science and Control» RAS (Moscow)
Representation of model domain based on the semantic network in medical purpose systems
S.Yu. Zhuleva - Senior Lecturer, Department of Computing and Applied Mathematics, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: A.V. Kroshilin - Associate Professor, Department of Computing and Applied Mathematics, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: S.V. Kroshilina - Associate Professor, Department of Computing and Applied Mathematics, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail:
Semantic integration of scientific and technical information in the area of design and application of neurocomputers
I.S. Pavlovskiy - Ph.D. (Eng.), V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of RAS (Moscow) E-mail:
The method of text meaning analysis with semantic network containing fuzzy data
S.M. Salibekyan - Associate Professor, National Research University «Higher school of Economics», Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics. E-mail: S.B. Petrova - Magistrant, National Research University «Higher school of Economics», Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics. E-mail:
Analysis of phase-temporal characteristics of human pulse wave system
I.V. Stepanian - Dr. Sс. (Biol.), Ph.D. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, Laboratory of Biodynamics, Institute for Machine Science named by A.A. Blagonravov of the RAS; Leading Research Scientist, Moscow State Сonservatory named by P.I. Chaikovsky, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: I.S. Javelov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, Laboratory of biodynamics, Institute for Machine Science named by A.A. Blagonravov of the RAS, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: A.А. Mekler - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Department of Innovations and Analytics, Saint Petersburg State Pediatric University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: A.V. Savelyev - Senior Research Scientist, Director of the Patent agency «©Uniquely honest patenting», Scientific coordinator of the Permanent Seminar «Neyrophylosophy» of the Moscow State University by M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: O Ha Do - Ph.D.(Med.), Head of medical-prophylactic center Research Institute of Occupational Medicine, Moscow, Russia. E-mail:
Some aspects of intellegent learning based on use of tutoring integrated expert system
G.V. Rybina - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Cybernetics, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute). E-mail: V.M. Rybin - Dг. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Automatics, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) E.S. Sergienko - Post-graduate Student, Engineer, Department of Cybernetics, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) I.A. Sorokin - Post-graduate Student, Department of Cybernetics, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)
Assembly Unit 3D-Image Process Model Formation by Structural and Semantic Design Procedures Unification
A.F. Pokhilko - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor, Department «Applied Mathematics and Informatics», Ulyanovsk State Technical University E-mail: D.E. Tsygankov - Post-graduate Student, Department «Applied Mathematics and Informatics», Ulyanovsk State Technical University E-mail:
Event-related changes of human brain in school solving-problem tasks in upper alpha subband
М.V. Konstantinova - Post-graduate Student, Department of Neurobiology, Lomonosov Moscow State University E-mail: N.S. Ermachenko - Ph.D. (Biol.), Scientific Associate, Department of Neurobiology, Lomonosov Moscow State University E-mail: V.N. Anisimov - Ph.D. (Biol.), Scientific Associate, Department of Neurobiology, Lomonosov Moscow State University E-mail: А.V. Latanov - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Head of Department, Department of Neurobiology, Lomonosov Moscow State University E-mail:
Metagraph approach for text mining as promising direction for semantic search

A.I. Kanev – Post-graduate Student,

Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia) E-mail:

System of information extraction from text for metagraph knowledge base

V.I. Terekhov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, 

Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)


A.I. Kanev – Post-graduate Student,

Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)


Enlarged functional and information models of the information extraction tool complex with built in privacy elements and integration of extracted data

V.I. Budzko – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Deputy Director, 

Institute of Informatics Problems of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow);

Member of Russian Cryptography Academy;


National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Moscow)


V.I. Korolev – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, 

Institute of Informatics Problems of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow); 


Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation


V.G. Belenkov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, 

Institute of Informatics Problems of FRC CSC RAS (Moscow) E-mail:

Unformalized tasks and methodology of their solution

S.G. Vorona1, V.V. Lisickii2, A.V. Stolbov3

1−3 Mozhaisky Military Space Academy (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Investigation of the suppression mechanism for bacterial microflora by low frequency ultrasound

V.V. Sabelnikov1, T.M. Sabelnikova2, V.N. Goryacheva3

1–3 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

Unification of working with domain-specific languages and open software architecture in an adaptive Modeling system

G.S. Ivanova1, M.V.Fetisov2, T.A. Malkina3, A.V. Raldugina4

1–4 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

The designed product construction information structural and semantic representation in the CAD-system

D.E. Tsygankov – Post-graduate Student, Department «Applied Mathematics and Informatics», 

Ulyanovsk State Technical University


A.F. Pokhilko – Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor, Department «Applied Mathematics and Informatics»,

Ulyanovsk State Technical University


Method of extension the subject ontology based on syntagmatic analysis of design documentation

V.S. Moshkin – Assistant, Ulyanovsk State Technical University


A.A. Filippov – Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Information Systems», Ulyanovsk State Technical University E-mail:

Yu.P. Egorov – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Main Research Scientist, FRPC OJSC «RPA «Mars» (Ulyanovsk) E-mail:

Development of a software for the semantic analysis of social media content

N.G. Yarushkina – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Department «Information Systems», Ulyanovsk State Technical University E-mail:

V.S. Moshkin – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Information Systems», Ulyanovsk State Technical University E-mail:

A.A. Filippov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Information Systems», Ulyanovsk State Technical University E-mail:

G.Yu. Guskov – Post-graduate Student, Department «Information Systems», Ulyanovsk State Technical University E-mail:

A.A. Romanov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Information Systems», Ulyanovsk State Technical University E-mail:

A.M. Namestnikov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Information Systems»,  Ulyanovsk State Technical University


The structural & semantic representation of design solutions in a CAD-system

D.E. Tsygankov – Post-graduate Student, Department «Applied Mathematics and Informatics», Ulyanovsk State Technical University


A.F. Pokhilko – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Applied Mathematics and Informatics», Ulyanovsk State Technical University


Development of a web resource of an information system for the formation of research competencies of the university

S.L. Artemenkov — PhD (Engineering), Professor, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education 


S.S. Isakov — Post-graduate Student, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Machine learning for metagraph knowledge base trained on results of text mining

A. I. Kanev – Post-graduate Student, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia) E-mail:

Categorization of words – names of emotions by the characteristic «emotional tone» in 2-channel neural module of semantic space of their visual distinction

S.G. Korshunova − Ph.D. (Psychol.), Leader Research Scientist, Department of Psychophysiology,  Lomonosov Moscow State University


O.B. Stepanova − Ph.D. (Psychol.), Assistant Professor, Department of Methodology and Psychology,  Lomonosov Moscow State University


Emotions from the point of view of the pragmatic theory of information and communication

L.P. Ilieva1, S.D. Iliev2

1 University of Telecommunications and Posts (Sofia, Bulgaria)

2 Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia, Bulgaria)

Application of neural networks in detecting PCB defects

A.I. Vlasov1, N.V. Zavyalov2, K.V. Selivanov3, I.I. Skalchenkov4

1–4 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

The method of integration three-dimensional models into a scene during three-dimensional reconstruction

Yu.A. Maniakov1, P.O. Arkhipov2, P.L. Stavtsev3

1–3 Orel Branch of Federal Research Center «Computer Science and Control» of the RAS (Orel, Russia)

Probabilistic and semantic tests of a computer system solving non-standard tasks

A.I. Vlasov1, A.N. Orekhov2, L.V. Tetik3

1 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)
2 Foundation for Assistance to the Creation and Implementation of Computer Psyche (Moscow, Russia)
3 Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow, Russia)

Intelligent system for monitoring the dynamics of information flows

S.S. Antsyferov1, K.N. Fazilova2, M.K. Hanova3

1–3 MIREA – Russian Technological University (Moscow Russia)