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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №8 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Intellectualization of access to geodata based on semantic geointeroperability
S.K. Dulin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow). E-mail: s.dulin@ccas.ru
N.G. Dulina - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow). E-mail: ngdulina@mail.ru
P.V. Ermakov - Post-graduate Student, Institute of Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow). E-mail: petcazay@gmail.com
The problem of geographical interoperability consists in support of the coordinated interaction of experts for the problem solving, georesources demanding shared use, under condition of adequate understanding them of semantics of these georesources. Thus, development of resources of the coordinated understanding of geodata should be carried out on the basis of the comparative analysis of existing metaschemes of bases of geodata in view of multiparameters interactions of users and semantics incorporated in space ontologies and-or geothesauruses and qualifiers. The key task of geographical interoperability is creation of uniform conceptual model of representation and the coordinated understanding users of geodata on the basis of integration of the space-distributed information. In operation necessity of implementation of interoperability of the geographical information (GI) is discussed. Area GI should be grounded on few coordinated both well thought over standards and operations. And, it is the purpose not the academic research, in fact the market of informational services is interested in interoperability, that proves to be true recent joint operations of the carrying on organizations on standardization - the Consortium of the Geospace information (Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)) and Technical Committee of the International organization on standardization 211 (ISO-s Technical Committee 211 (Geomatics, Geographic Information)). Barrier to implementation of interoperability seriously limit activity of many corporations and users in the field of ГИ because of an increasing requirement for integration of a plenty of components for intelligence systems of firms. Standardization of protocols, formats and especially interfaces can help to overcome these barrier, but it not everything, that it is necessary to make. Interoperability will be achieved only as a result of the coordinated effort of various participants: providers of data, technologists and service providers, organizers of standards and a user group of market GI. Geointeroperability became area of active scientific researches of geoinformatics. Geointeroperability can be compared to effective process of a bidirectional communication where the user and supplier GI cooperate through inquiries and answers, understanding each other owing to their knowledge and processes of a reasoning. Space infrastructures of data are substantially already developed for realization of interoperability ГИ. The following step should be made in a direction of implementation of geointeroperability. Appropriate standards are necessary for development of geointeroperability. ISO/TC 211 and OGC have brought the significant contribution to this direction, but even more operations it is required above онтологиями. Introduction of paradigm Semantic Web opens perspectives for implementation of geointeroperability, providing new possibilities of type of automatic interpretation, a reasoning and output. Ontologies developers in Semantic Web languages start to be oriented on geospace Semantic Web, moving ahead to semantic geointeroperability. Paper consists of six sections. The first - introduction. The second section is devoted to concept of interoperability. In following section levels of interoperability are presented. Further the ontology concept is discussed by basic concept of research of semantic geointeroperability. The fifth section enters the main concepts linked to semantic geointeroperability. The conclusion contains final remarks.
Pages: 41-47

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