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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №4 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
The conception of infocomunication growth in Internet environment
V. V. Alexandrov, S. V. Kuleshov, O. V. Tsvetkov, S. P. Levachkine
Initially computer appeared as a tool for physical processes data processing according to mathematical models. The existing paradigm of computations uses one-to-one depentanizer of spectral and time functions via root-mean-square error estimation (RMS). Modern digital technologies functioning according A.N. Kolmogorovs postulate are forming the paradigm of informatics. This to conceptually different paradigms result in two principally different conceptions of informatics and its complexity estimations: entropic and algorithmic. In time being the growth of Internet environment gives enormous possibilities to realize infology as iterative process by realization of hierarchical nesting of notions forming semantic content. The empirically and later theoretically proven way out of Internet information crisis is a transition from serial language structure to visual notional representation with Multilanguage universalism development. Consequently, based on a number of axioms (Kolmogorov's identification principle, Leibnitz's identity of indiscernibles principle and etherification principle of Toynbee), the paradigm of informatics as a basis for the infocommunication theory was formulated
Pages: 5
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