350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №2 for 2018 г.
Article in number:
Categorization of words – names of emotions by the characteristic «emotional tone» in 2-channel neural module of semantic space of their visual distinction
Type of article: scientific article
UDC: 159.938

S.G. Korshunova − Ph.D. (Psychol.), Leader Research Scientist, Department of Psychophysiology,  Lomonosov Moscow State University

E-mail: ksg50@yandex.ru

O.B. Stepanova − Ph.D. (Psychol.), Assistant Professor, Department of Methodology and Psychology,  Lomonosov Moscow State University

E-mail: psy_stob@mail.ru


By the characteristic of «emotional tone» subjective structure of semantic relations between words representing names of six basic emotions and for each three of their synonyms and the word "calmness" is explored by constructing a semantic space of visual distinction of their lexical meanings. By multidimensional scaling ALSCAL of averaged on a sample of 152 people differences between names of emotions in «word-word» pairs a geometric model of this structure is built in the form of a spherical 6-dimensional space in which each of the three psychological differential characteristics «emotional tone», «intensity», «power» is measured by the polar coordinate on a separate plane. Special role of names of basic emotions by the characteristic of «emotional tone» is established in the mechanism of semantic categorization of verbal units based on visual categorization of facial expression of emotions as a denotative part of the lexical meaning of a word. Results are based on the concept of 2-channel module as a structural unit of coding of subjective semantic characteristic in neural networks.

Pages: 57-64
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Date of receipt: 5 декабря 2017 г.