350 rub
Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №3 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Language of Schemes of Radicals in Problem Questions of Redesign Researches, Equipment and Support of Complex Systems and Experimental Problems of Introduction of Critical High Technologies
In offered special thematic release the second part of results of the interdisciplinary researches devoted to some interesting aspects, reflecting essence and ways of the appendix of modern representations of mathematical computer science on methodological base of the general theory of systems and ultrasystems is presented. The first part of researches is published in magazine "Intellectual information systems" under the name "Language of schemes of radicals in problem questions of information-system safety of complex systems and problems cognition technologies" (Neurocomputers: Design, application, 2008, №7) The Space-rocket branch traditionally holds paramount positions in geopolitics of Russia and is one of the fatal factors defining the status of our state as great power and the country of high technologies. Space use plays a significant role in all-round international cooperation, in support of national safety, consolidation of defensive power, in scientific development, economic and a social status of our country. Application of space-rocket means in interests of the guaranteed support of safety and defensibility of territories also predetermines considerable potential of Armed forces of the Russian Federation. Formation and use of the global information-operating environment, mainly in space, aviation, land and network segments, puts forward on a leading place a problem of the perspective technologies including programmer-means of supervision, gathering of the information of different function and its processing. Similar problems arise and in other complex systems: sociotecnical, systems extra technologies, preparation of modern experts and others. Among perspective directions - application of space information-operating systems and development of an infrastructure of the spatial data, which main objective - education uniform information operations by decrease in expenses for creation and use of spatial data. It will allow to prevent or minimize a damage from occurrence of some events, and also more resolutely to find ways of end of conflict situations at planning and realization of joint activity of various objects in the same territory. For real, accessible and during too time the protected information needed creation of uniform symbolical model of problem area of such systems. On the basis of uniform model carrying out of process of the intellectualization necessary for confident and their balanced functioning with unconditional support of information-system safety is supposed. In the true release base representations of some the scientific schools which are carrying out close interaction on the basis of name constantly operating in Military academy of Peter the Great of an interdisciplinary scientific seminar Intellectualization of complex systems of different function with непременным by the account of existing tendencies of transformation of science and education in our state develop. Results of work of a seminar have found the reflex ion at a substantiation and working out of key components of the newest technologies in questions is information - system safety of complex systems of different function. Systematic development of the presented materials of complex redesign researches, equipment and support of complex systems, and also statements of experimental problems of introduction of critical high technologies represents actual possibilities of involvement of high-efficiency calculations by working out and application of means of special symbolical modeling. The basic content of work assumes intellectual processing of incomplete and partially inconsistent data, and the pragmatically purpose in this direction is intensive working out, use and диверсификация independent in the development of the user interface, a base kernel and tool means of derivative specialized technology. Offered release can be useful to science officers and experts in the field of the theory and practice of mathematical computer science, cognize technologies, the system analysis, information-system safety, and also to graduated in a military academy, listeners, teachers, post-graduate students and students, the interested modern achievements and orientations of high technologies of intellectualization. Work is executed at partial support of Federal agency on a science and innovations together with Advice about grants of the President of the Russian Federation following the results of competitions 2006-2008гг. On competition of grants of the President of Russia. Authors with gratitude will consider offers on development of the presented subjects. Your wishes send by e-mail: NewRadical@mail.ru The winner of the State award, the Deserved worker of the Higher school, the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences. Professor Alexander Vitalevich Chechkin (The professor of chair of Higher mathematics of Military academy of Peter the Great) Cand.Tech.Sci. Alexey Vladimirovich Rozhnov (The chief of research laboratory of Military academy of Peter the Great)
Pages: 3-96