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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №11 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Method of estimating of interoperability for document management system as an open information system
V. I. Vorobiev, F. S. Kortikov
One of the basic properties of open systems is the interoperable - the ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use information obtained as a result of the exchange. Feature of interoperable systems is the ability to interact without any additional information transformations. This allows you to: In a shorter time to process, transmit and obtain chat with more information (which improves the quality of work); Increase the reliability of the system as a whole (by using standard and robust technology); Reduce the risk of loss and the misrepresentation or the appearance line errors during transmission (due to lack of need for additional transformation information); Facilitate the installation of protection against external threats (by raising the level of compatibility). One of the important tasks of the organization as a component of documentary support of corporate information systems that support the functioning civil company is to provide semantic interoperability of applications within the organization, as well as interaction with external information systems. It is proposed to introduce scale integrated assessment system interoperability.The scale provides for the division of each level of achievement of interoperability (but excellent) into three categories depending on the range of values in which the decay lag ranks of system performance. The higher value of performance ranking, the higher the degree of achievement of the relevant category of interoperability.
Pages: 17-22
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