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Journal Neurocomputers №2 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Development of a web resource of an information system for the formation of research competencies of the university
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j19998554-202002-
UDC: 004.912

S.L. Artemenkov — PhD (Engineering), Professor, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education 

E-mail: slart@inbox.ru

S.S. Isakov — Post-graduate Student, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

E-mail: isakovss@mgppu.ru


As a result of the project considered in the article, a pilot computer information system was developed to determine, partially automated generation, preservation and practical use of electronic passports of scientific competencies of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (MSUPE) based on the information of three university departments and the Higher Attestation Commission. For the information system: issues of the formation and formalization of descriptions of scientific research competencies are considered; identified the basic functional requirements for the information system; developed mechanisms for a relational database of scientific specialization, research projects and university projects; the collection and systematization of the initial system data was carried out and examples of the formation of passports of scientific research competencies are given. The information system is implemented on the Internet in the form of a corresponding web resource with a relational database.

Implemented algorithmic mechanisms for the partial automation of the formation of competencies and their descriptions include comparisons of keywords and texts: university projects with the most similar ones highlighted; staff specialties (by faculty) with faculty projects; the most frequent specialty of the faculty with the projects of the faculty.

The scientific novelty of the work relates to: a design solution for creating an information system for determining scientific research competencies for planning scientific activities of a university; intellectual mechanisms of the relational database of scientific specialization of both scientific investigations and university projects; computer algorithms for automating the formation of descriptions of research competencies.

Opportunities for using the created web resource and project results include: entering, organizing and saving detailed and structured information about the research capabilities of the university; partial automation of the formation of electronic passports of research competencies of university departments; identification of resources related to existing research competencies; expert assessment, description and editing of areas of application, uniqueness and competitiveness of research competencies; using information system information for the examination of the formulation of new scientific tasks, coordinating and planning further research activities of the university, publishing and promoting the research competencies of the university on the Internet and in other publications.

Pages: 5-17
For citation

Artemenkov S.L., Isakov S.S. Development of a web resource of an information system for the formation of  research competencies of the university. Neurocomputers. 2020. V. 22. № 2. P. 5–17.  DOI: 10.18127/j19998554-202002-01

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Date of receipt: 17 марта 2020 г.