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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №4 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
3D-semantics of cognitive biomedicine dictionary and Kor-sakov-Turing machine
A.Yu. Alekseev - Ph.D. (Philos.), Associate Professor, Moscow State Institute of Culture; Visiting Fellow of Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences; Science Coordinator of Research Programs of the Scientific Council of Artificial Intelligence Methodology of RAS(Moscow). E-mail: aa65@list.ru
The Сognitive Biomedicine takes into account the mental phenomena in connection with their neurophysiological correlates. For con-ceptual and terminological organization is preferable to use the dimension (3D) language. Dimension intensional semantics provides a correlation of sense and meanings statements in the space of three logical-linguistic dimensions: 1) phenomenal, 2) scientific and 3) engineering. By analogy with the problems of Artificial Intelligence, consider the increase in the semantic dimension of the dictionary [1]. 0D-cognitive semantics uses terms such as metaphor. 1D-semantics reduces these terms to the dictionary of a particular discipline, ig-noring the interdisciplinary nature. 2D-semantics connects intensions terms of possible worlds on the two-dimensional framework. So, 1-3 semantics expresses the principle of \"practical\" medicine and ignores scientific theories. In the 1-2-semantics, on the other hand, many theories, but little practices. 2-3 semantics adequate consideration phenomenal states: it is a standard format of \"objec-tivist\" medicine. Development of 2D-semantics (2-dimensionalism) has almost forty years and includes theory: indexicals (D. Kaplan); diagonal propositions (R.Stalnaker); descriptions (G. Evans); floating worlds (M. Davies and I.Humberstone); generalized semantics (Two-dimensionalism of D.Chalmers); non intensional semantics (metasemantic two-dimensionalism of R. Stalnaker) [1]. 3D-Semantics extends 2-dimensionalism due to third scheme. \"Engineering intensional\" computing indexicals, propositions, descrip-tions, possible worlds. \"Engineering extensional\" are valid projects of biomedical computer systems: 1) indexicals proposed compu-ting context generation; 2) the diagonal proposition determined the three-dimensional relational schema where the table of the third dimension indicate a method of constructing a two-dimensional (flat) table; 3) the descriptive method of forming the two-dimensionality of enriched holistic descriptions of private descriptions on a \"model of a model\"; 4) elements of floating worlds table include the programs updating the worlds; 5) for the generalized semantics implemented method of constructing possible worlds, since they are not defined a priori, they should build a computer method. \"Engineering\" semantic is inspired by the idea of combining the Turing machine and Korsakov machine. The first machine sets the fundamental definition of the symbolic algorithm. The Korsakov machine formalizes connectionist algorithm [2]. The Korsakov ma-chine is able to build linguistic constructions from subsymbolic material. But it lacks the idea of automatic transitions, which is the ba-sis of a Turing machine. On the other hand, in Turing machine extremely simplistic method of forming linguistic structures. The ea-siest way to combine machines use tape Turing instead Korsakov-s punch card [3]. 3D-language serves as a criterion of demarcation cognitive biomedicine, taking into account the subjective experience of the tradi-tional objectivist campaign: the semantics of terms should include the trinity of \"cognitive phenomenon / explanation of the pheno-menon / computing phenomenon\" [4]. This work was financially supported by RHSF grant № 15-03-00519а «Postnonclassical paradigm of Artificial Intelligence».
Pages: 9-11


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  4. Alekseev A.JU. Idei ehvoljucionnojj ehpistemologii v postroenii iskusstvennogo intellekta // EHvoljucionnaja ehpistemologija: sovremennye diskussii i tendencii. M.: IF RAN. 2012. S. 209-231.