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Journal Highly available systems №3 for 2022 г.
Article in number:
Emotions from the point of view of the pragmatic theory of information and communication
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20729472-202203-04
UDC: 004.89; 519.6

L.P. Ilieva1, S.D. Iliev2

1 University of Telecommunications and Posts (Sofia, Bulgaria)

2 Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia, Bulgaria)


Very rapid development of artificial neural networks for pattern recognition and analysis within the framework of sensory bionics makes more relevant a more comprehensive, systematic and detailed study of the specifics of cognitive process and data processing. Since emotional manifestations guide, motivate, organize and direct processes of thinking and action, activate neural, cognitive and motor processes as well, it becomes relevant to develop models of human perception taking into account these aspects of emotion. The purpose of the work is to identify, propose and justify the basic model of human data processing, in which many emotional manifestations based on cognitive psychology play a fundamental role. Taking into account the fact in the context of information processes emotions determine the personal meaning of the message, the purpose of this work is as well to establish a connection between emotional reactions and the sequence of endowing data with the meaning. Three successive blocks (Attribute, Object, Semantic) of data processing and finding pragmatic information in cognitive processes based on emotional characteristics, the value of which are associated with the significance of signals, have been identified. It is shown that in the first block (Attribute) the characteristics associated with passive signal processing are identified. The implementation of the block as a deterministic neurodinamic network with Hopfield feedback is obtained, filtering the signs of signals based on emotiogenicity. The second block (Object) shows the identification of the object of the signal through the appropriate action associated with it. The ways of achieving the goal are analyzed according to the criteria of the total value of the emotional response. The block is presented as an implementation of a deep neural network with reinforcement. The way of the connection with the formation of the object identification frame, revealed by means of an attractor, emotional richness and the way to achieve a purposeful process differentiation is shown. The ability to integrate signal analysis into a more general context through the procedure of combining and splitting of frames has been established. The characteristics of the third Block (Semantics) of signal processing are found while identifying the relationship between the frame associated with the object, the «word» and the corresponding Block of emotional response defined by the cultural construct. The way the deployment of emotional manifestation in a three-block structure determines the formation of our worldview. The results of this work provide an opportunity to redefine the fundamental place of emotion in data processing, indicate the way emotional marks can be taken into account while implementing a multi-stage recognition process and thus outline the way to bring the implementation of multi-stage artificial neural networks closer to the knowledge formation familiar to a person.

Pages: 45-58
For citation

Ilieva L.P., Iliev S.D. Emotions from the point of view of the pragmatic theory of information and communication. Highly Available Systems / Sistemy vysokoy dostupnosti. 2022. V. 18. № 3. P. 45−58. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20729472-202203-04 (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 10.08.2022
Approved after review: 22.08.2022
Accepted for publication: 29.08.2022