350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №8 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Conceptual model of ontology of the applied domain for building up text documents processing systems using semantics
A.Yu. Novikov
The development of new information technologies and the growth of computer users have brought to existence a lot of original practical problems connected with automated and even automatic processing of speech and text data flows. These problems include business intelligence and benchmarking, monitoring of specific areas in applied domains, remote education technologies, detection and elimination of speech defects and psychological closely related to ontology patterns and others. The solution of these problems requires building up powerful automated (automatic) systems that use semantics and are based on the knowledge as of the surrounding world, as of the practical applied domains. The existing approaches for building up such systems most often do not take into account the semantic interpretation during texts processing making it impossible to get the required accuracy of the decisions taken. On the other hand, semantic interpretation is impossible without using the most complete, specially built ontology, take into account all the aspects of knowledge, necessary for such an interpretation. And it is a conceptual model of such ontology that is presented in this article. The notion of the so called universalia of notions and objects is in the basis of the model. A whole set of such universalia is supposed to be able to maintain the process of semantic interpretation of the texts.
Pages: 77-87
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