Articles by keyword determination
Determination of Orbits of Space Debris Elements on Computer System with Parallel Architecture
V. F. Goryuchkin
Determination of the Location of the Still Sources Radio-Radiations with Use Placed on Flying Machine Radio, Equiped Isotropic Antenna
Vakulenko, А.А., Hilov, V.V.
Adaptive Detection and Division FMCW Wideband Signal in Frequency Compressed Signal
V. A. Ivanov, D. V. Ivanov, N. V. Ryabova, A. V. Maltsev
Using of Attenuating Transient Processes in a Resonant Circuit for a Useful Signal Shaping
S.I. Korshakovsky
The System for Execution of Parallel Computing Processes
Litovka, Yu. V., Popov, A.S.
Methods and Algorithms of Coordinates Setting of Radio Sources in Measuring Bearing and Difference of Distances Systems with Minimum Number of Mobile Carriers
A. A. Sirota, E. A. Kirsanov
Statistic method of multipath mitigation
V. E. Vovasov, A. M. Nesterkin
Identification of Object Movement on the Basic of Interframe Differences of Frequency Features
Bogoslovskiy, A.V., Zhigulina, I.V., Kopylov, O.E., Yakovlev, V.A.
The efficiency of the phasemanipulated wideband signal determination by the quadrature receiver with the acceptance and rejection filters
G.S. Nakhmanson, G.A. Bakaeva
The determination and recognition of a poisson impulse radiation source activity standard
G. S. Nakhmanson, A. V. Vasilyev
T.V. Zhidkova, M.A. Proskurnin, M.E. Sokolov, T.V. Polenova, E.K. Ivanova
D.S. Volkov, K.I. Tishchenko, D.A. Nedosekin, A.V. Brusnichkin, M.A. Proskurnin, V.P. Zharov, Yu.A. Vladimirov
The Generalized Technological Model of the Decision of Ill-Posed Problems of Definition of Movement of Space Vehicles
K.R. Bayramov
The Air Targets Recognition-s Peculiarities are Available at the Airborne Radars under the Prolonged Coherent Signals Processing
O.V. Vasiljev, V.A. Abaturov, A.S. Sytnikov, S.S. Korotkov, R.A. Potapov
Methods of estimation and compensation for systematic biases in pseudorange and pseudophase measurements
A. N. Podkorytov
Spectrophotometric quantitative determination method of tannins in oak bark, alder multiple fruit, and in water extractions from the given source material
N.A. Borovikova, N.G. Selezenev, D. M. Popov
Sanguiritrin: chemical and technological studies of benzophenanthridine alkaloids (review)
O.N. Tolkachev, A.A. Savina, I.E. Kopylova, V.F. Okhotnikova, T.V. Kachalina, V.A. Bykov
Analysis of electro welders - blood for Mn, Cr and Ni content by Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with Zeeman background correction
A.A. Ivanenko, N.B. Ivanenko, N.D. Solovyev, I.V. Blazhennikova
Multi-difference-distance-Doppler system as an adaptive antenna array
V.A. Ufaev, D.V. Ufaev, A.V. Ufaev
Some Biological Peculiarities of Astragalus Propinquus Schischk. For Cultivation in Middle Region of Russia
I.A. Shreter
Principles of Design of Local Radio Systems of Inter Aircraft Navigation
V.I. Baburov, A.G. Gerchikov, V.K. Orlov, A.G. Chernjavskij
A current approach to viscosity determination of some eye preparations (eye drops, eye gels)
K.A. Bichenova, I.V. Sakaeva, E.I. Sakanyan, E.B. Nechaeva, L.L. Kojemyakina
Experimental investigation of random radiosignals - detection probability and determination accuracy of parameters
A.V. Kuzovnikov, P.V. Semkin, V.G. Somov
Increase a true detection probability of reflected signals in transition of range to the ground surface
A.A. Khrustalev, Yu.V. Koltzov
The analysis of errors of high-precision maintenance of antiaircraft missile on the basis of the thermovision image of a torch of the mid-flight engine
A.A. Dontsov, Yu.L. Koziratsky, D.V. Prokhorov, A.V. Kusakin
The modified quantitative method of flavonoid determination in airial part of Solidago canadensis L
G.M. Tokhtabaeva - Ph.D. (Pharm), All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Herbs, Moscow. Russia. E-mail:
S.L. Baslinov - Junior Research Scientist, All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Herbs, Moscow, Russia
I.E. Kopilova - Ph.D. (Pharm), All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Herbs, Moscow, Russia
T.A. Sokolskaya - Dr. Sc. (Pharm), All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Herbs, Moscow, Russia
A.E. Burova - All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Herbs, Moscow, Russia
Quantative determination of polifructanes and fructose in Arctium lappa juice
I.E. Kopylova - Ph.D. (Pharm), Leading Research Scientist, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR), Moscow
G.M. Tokhtabaeva - Ph.D. (Pharm), All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR), Moscow. Е-mail:
R.A. Andreev - Student, D.Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow
V.I. Sheichenko - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR), Moscow
E.U. Babaeva - Ph.D. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Peoples - Friendship University of Russia, Moscow
T.A. Sokol-skaya - Dr.Sc. (Pharm.), Professor, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR), Moscow
Development of fluorimetric technique for quantitative determination of ascorbic acid in vegetative raw materials
A.A. Taube - Candidate, Degree of the Department of Pharmacological Technologies, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR), Moscow, Russia
E.I. Sakanyan - Dr. Sc. (Pharm.), Professor, Moscow, Russia
Fluorimetric determination of folic acid in vegetative raw materials
A.A. Taube - Candidate for a degree of the Department of Pharmacological Technologies, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR), Moscow, Russia
E.I. Sakanyan - Dr. Sc. (Pharm.), Professor, Moscow, Russia
Geostationary and geosynchronous artificial satellites orbital parameters determination in one-positional passive RLS
D.D. Gabrielyan - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Deputy Head of Science of Scientific and Technical Complex, FRPC «RNIIRS»
A.N. Gorbachev - Engineer 2 cat., FRPC «RNIIRS»
V.I. Demchenko - Head of Research and Technology Complex, FRPC «RNIIRS»
The preliminary results of the experimental evaluation of the tropospheric delay accuracy using data from a prototype of the absolute water vapor radiometer colocated in «Svetloe» observatory of the «Quasar» radio interferometer network
S.M. Shirokiy - Head of Sector of OJC «RPC «PSI» branch (Moscow region)
E.V. Titov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Head of Department, Main Product Engineer of OJC «RPC «PSI» branch (Moscow region)
Estimating the coordinates of a radio frequency radiation source located on an air vehicle in radio monitoring systems with the use of group registration and decorrelation transformations of errors in determination of reception center coordinates
S.V. Kozlov - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Deputy Chief of Chair of Military Education-Research Center of Military Air Forces «Military Aviation Academy named for prof. N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin» (Voronezh)
A.V. Uskov - Post-Graduated in a Military Academy of Military Education-Research Center of Military Air Forces «Military Aviation Academy named for prof. N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin» (Voronezh)
Quantitative determination of silicon and zinc in A new pharmacologically active silicon-zinc-containing hydrogel
I.N. Shtan-ko - Junior Research, Laboratory of Organic Materials, Postovsky Institute of Organic Synthesis Ural Brunch of RAS (Ekaterinburg). E-mail:
A.N. Bondarev - Post-graduate Student, Laboratory of Oganic Materials, Postovsky Institute of Organic Synthesis Ural Brunch of RAS (Ekaterinburg). E-mail:
T.G. Khonina - Dr.Sc. (Chem.), Leading Research, Laboratory of Organic Materials, Postovsky Institute of Organic Synthesis Ural Brunch of RAS (Ekaterinburg). E-mail:
N.I. Moskalenko - Ph.D (Chem.), Senior Research, Laboratory of Electrochemical Material Science, Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry Ural Brunch of RAS (Ekaterinburg). E-mail:
Validation of coulometric water determination in the SUBSTANCE of erythromycin
S.G. Abdullina - Ph.D. (Pharm.), Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry with courses of Analytical and Toxicological Chemistry, Kazan State Medical University. E-mail:
E.A. Kalinkina - Aspirant, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry with courses of Analytical and Toxicological Chemistry, Kazan State Medical University. E-mail:
Calculation of ground objects positions with electro-optical payloads on tactical unmanned aircraft vehicles accuracy estimation
S.M. Vishnyakov - Lead Software Developer, LTD «Special Technological Center» (St. Petersburg). E-mail: N.V. Filchenko - Software Developer, LTD «Special Technological Center» (St. Petersburg). E-mail:
Maximum likelihood attitude determination taking into account the effects of global navigation satellite system signals propagation
I.A. Tsikin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Peter The Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University. E-mail: E.A. Scherbinina - Assistant, Peter The Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University. E-mail:
Analysis of angular discriminator in one-stage GNSS-based attitude determination
V.V. Dneprov - Post-graduate Student, Radio System Department, «National Research University «MPEI» (Moscow). E-mail: I.V. Korogodin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Radio System Department, «National Research University «MPEI» (Moscow). E-mail:
Way of the organization of expanded system of satellite GPS of monitoring
S.I. Smetanin - Post-graduate Student, Chair of Electronics, Vladivostok State University of Economy and Service. E-mail: V.A. Ignatyuk - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Chair of Electronics, Vladivostok State University of Economy and Service. E-mail: A.L. Ganyushkin - Post-graduate Student, Chair of Electronics, Vladivostok State University of Economy and Service
Method to determine the coordinates of the radio transmitter using a geostationary artificial satellite
А.S. Kalashnikova - Magister, Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk) E-mail: V.V. Sukhotin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk). E-mail: О.V. Admaev - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Institute of Engineering Physic and Radio Electronics, Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk). E-mail: Е.О. Smolnikov - Post-graduate Student, Institute of Engineering Physic and Radio Electronics, Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk)
Determination of aircraft motion parameters geolocation system for radiation on board satellite station
A.H. Kel\'jan - Ph.D. (Eng.), Deputy Director on Innovative Work, LLC SPE «New Technologies of Telecommunications» (St. Petersburg). E-mail: A.O. Chemarov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Developer Engineer, LLC SPE «New Technologies of Telecommunications» (St. Petersburg). E-mail: R.V. Volkov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Military Academy of Signal Communication (St. Petersburg). E-mail: V.V. Sevidov - Adjunct, Military Academy of Signal Communication (St. Petersburg). E-mail:
Laser-induced electron transfer desorption/ionization for highly sensitive mass spectrometric determination of metal coordination compounds
A.A. Grechnikov - Ph.D. (Chem.), Head of Laboratory, «Energomashtekhnika» (Moscow, Russia); Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia). E-mail: A.S. Borodkov - Research Scientist, «Energomashtekhnika» (Moscow, Russia); Vernadsky Institute of Geo-chemistry and Analytical Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia). E-mail: S.M. Nikiforov - Senior Research Scientist, A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia). E-mail: I.I. Kuzmin - Junior Research Scientist, «Energomashtekhnika» (Moscow, Russia); Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia). E-mail:
Integration of GNSS-based attitude determination algorithm with low-grade gyro
V.V. Dneprov - Post-graduate Student, Department of Radio Systems, «National Research University «MPEI» (Moscow) E-mail: I.V. Korogodin - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Radio Systems, «National Research University «MPEI» (Moscow) E-mail:
Attitude estimation potential accuracy based on likelihood function analysys of Gps signals at the receive antenna array
I.A. Tsikin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department «Radio Engineering and Telecommunication Systems», Peter The Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University E-mail: E.A. Shcherbinina - Assistant, Department «Radio Engineering and Telecommunication Systems», Peter The Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University E-mail:
The radiotechnical systems survivability assurance as a result of structural stability increase
S.F. Boev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), General Designer, JSC «Radio Engineering Institute» (Moscow) A.A. Gudkov - Post-graduate Student, S.M. Budjonny Military Academy of Signal Corps (Saint Petersburg) S.R. Malishev - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, S.M. Budjonny Military Academy of Signal Corps (Saint Petersburg) E-mail: I.V. Chebotar - Ph. D. (Eng.), Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics
Squared error of estimation of assessment of coordinates of sources of super-broadband signals by difference range finder systems
S.N. Razin´kov - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist, MTSC Air Forces «MAA named professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin» (Voronezh) E-mail: M.Yu. Lukin - Adjunct, MTSC Air Forces «MAA named professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin» (Voronezh) E-mail:
Subarrays method for nulls forming in radiation patterns of special kind of active phased antenna arrays using properties of Hermitian forms ratio

B. D. Manuilov¹, M. B. Manuilov², A. Yu. Padiy³, S. A. Borodovskiy4

1, 3, 4 Rostov-on-Don Research Institute of Radio Communication (Rostov-on-Don, Russia) 2  Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)

Evaluation of radiation characteristics of phased antenna arrays and AESA on the basis of dynamic patterns

O. S. Alekseev1, S. E. Gavrilova2, A. N. Gribanov3, G. F. Moseychuk4, A. I. Sinani5

1–5 JSC “V. Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design” (Zhukovsky, Russia)

Ways to improve the accuracy of instantaneous measurement of the carrier frequency of the input microwave signal in a hybrid receiver with a frequency discriminator

I.A. Salnyy

JSC «Taganrog Scientific Research Institute of Communications» (Taganrog, Rostov Region, Russia)

Parametric intervals of interpretability in iterative models of real ecological processes

A.Yu. Perevaryukha1

1 St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Sensibility by backscatter positioning ground-mounted sources of radio frequency by azimuth and elevation radio direction finder on board airship

A.D. Vinogradov – Honored Inventor of RF, Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Main Research Scientist,  MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)


I.S. Dmitriev – Ph. D. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronez) E-mail:

Methods of assessing the effectiveness of aerial electronic reconnaissance at sea in the conditions of application of measures to increase the stealth RLS operation

Yu.P. Melnikov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Scientific Research Centre (Central Scientific Research Institute) of the Military Airforce, Ministry of Defence


Method of determinig the location of radio emission sources as a way of solving problems of coordinate measurement and trajectory of coordinate free support of UAV

А.V. Ivanov – Scientific-Pedagogical Worker, LLC «SPC «New Technologies of Telecommunications» (St. Petesburg)

S.S. Staritsin – Scientific-Pedagogical Worker, Military Space Academy of A.F. Mozhayskiy (St. Petesburg)

A.A. Alexeenko – Scientific-Pedagogical Worker, Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics

Results estimate instrumental delay determination unrequested range by signal GLONASS and GPS

N.S. Kulichkova – Design Engineer, JSC «SPE «Radiosvyaz» (Krasnoyarsk); Post-graduate Student, Siberian Federal University



K.A. Kulichkov – Design Engineer, JSC «SPE «Radiosvyaz» (Krasnoyarsk); Post-graduate Student, Siberian Federal University



A.V. Grebennikov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of the Basic Department «Radioelectronic Equipment of Information Systems», Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk); Head of Sector, JSC «SPE «Radiosvyaz» (Krasnoyarsk) E-mail:

Determination of the efficiency of onboard antennas of returned spacecraft

V.F. Mikhailov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor,

Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instruments


Reconstruction of the radio wave trajectory in a three-dimensionally inhomogeneous anisotropic ionosphere based on the spatially polarization parameters

Z.F. Shaidulin1, I.V. Demichev2, D.A. Lukichev3, V.A. Ognev4

1−4Military university of Radio Electronics (Cherepovets, Russia)

Methodology for estimating the error in predicting the position of space debris elements based on the results of tracking by a radar information tool

I.V. Chebotar1, R.A. Gudaev2, S.V. Kulikov3, M.S. Smirnov4, V.M. Lizan5

1Military University of Radioelectronics (Cherepovets, Russia)

2−5A.F. Mozhaysky Military Space Academy (Saint Petersburg, Russia)

Evaluation of the possibility of coordinate-based measurement of the source of radio emission by a mobile receiver based on the Doppler effect

A.Yu. Koziratsky – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department, MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh) E-mail:

M.L. Parinov – Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor of Department, MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh) E-mail:

A.A. Koziratsky –Student, Voronezh State University

D.A. Nagalin – Post-graduate Student, MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)

P.E. Kuleshov – Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department, 

MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)


I.A. Bovin – Engineer, 1958 military representation of Ministry of Defence of RF

Mutual angular V2V determinations with DSRC utilization

I.V. Korogodin – Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Radio Systems, 

«National Research University «MPEI» (Moscow) E-mail:

V.V. Dneprov – Post-graduate Student, Department of Radio Systems, «National Research University «MPEI» (Moscow) E-mail:

Remote secondary surveillance radar system control accuracy in case of the line-of-sight radar signals propagation absence

I.A. Tsikin – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University


E.S. Poklonskaya – Assistant, Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University E-mail:

Determination of inclined distance in equipment of high-frequency hydroacoustic system of transformation of underwater apparatus to the docking module

B.I. Filippov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Information Security», Novosibirsk State Technical University E-mail:

A.O. Kozhaeva – Student, Department «Information Security», Novosibirsk State Technical University E-mail:

Using the signals from unsynchronized domestic means of electronic jamming of global navigation satellite systems for local radio navigation

V.V. Kiryushkin1, S.I. Babusenko2, A.V. Zhuravlev3, I.V. Shuvaev4

1-4 JSC RIE “PROTEK” (Voronezh, Russia)

Determination of plan coordinates aircraft by bearing measurements unknown source of interference radiation

V.V. Kiryushkin1, S.I. Babusenko2, A.V. Zhuravlev3, A.V. Smolin4

1-4 JSC RIE “PROTEK” (Voronezh, Russia)

Single-base interferometer attitude determination using GNSS GPS signals in the presence of jamming

P.A. Kudriasheva 1, A.S. Davydenko 2

1,2 Higher school of applied physics and space technologies, Institute of Physics, Nanotechnology and

Telecommunications, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

1; 2

Method for determining the position of the auxiliary antenna relative to the calibrating PAA without the use of special geodesic equipment

E.M. Voschilov1, A.M. Shitikov2

1,2 PJSC Radiofizika (Moscow, Russia)

1,2 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University) (Dolgoprudny, Russia)

ML algorithm for the problem of determining the location of a radio emission source at a known signal shape

V.A. Vargauzin1, D.V. Rachitskii2, N.A. Rassadin3

1, 3 Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

2 JSC STC (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

Hybrid receiver for determining the carrier frequency of microwave signal based on combination of DSP module and receiver with frequency discriminator

I.A. Salnyy1

1 JSC "Taganrog Scientific Research Institute of Communications" (Taganrog, Russia)

Testing of equipment from the multifunctional personal satellite communication system “Gonets-D1M” in the interests of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

E.V. Besedin1, A.G. Zalomlyonkov2, A.V. Papaev3

1,2 Kaluga branch of the FKU NGO "STiS" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Kaluga, Russia),
3 FKU NGO “StiS” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Moscow, Russia)

Experimental location of sources radio emissions in spatially distributed systems remote monitoring

M.V. Knysh1, S.N. Razinkov2

1 Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense (Yaroslavl, Russia)

1 Military-air academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.U. A. Gagarin» (Voronezh, Russia)

Analysis of outbreaks and damped waves of the spread of coronavirus in the regions based on equations with a deviating argument

A.Yu. Perevaryukha1

1 St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Hardware-software complex for adjusting, monitoring and evaluating the accuracy characteristics of receivers for instantaneous measurement of the carrier frequency of a microwave signal

I.A. Salnyy1, O.N. Martynov2

1,2 JSC «Taganrog Scientific Research Institute of Communications» (Taganrog, Russia),

Radio sources location determination by the difference-range measuring method based on swarm intelligence

S.S. Semenyuk1, A.V. Kablukov2, A.S. Grigorov3

1–3 Military Space Academy n. a. A.F. Mozhaisky (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Methodology for estimating the error in predicting the position of space debris elements based on the results of tracking by a radar information tool

I.V. Chebotar1, R.A. Gudaev2, S.V. Kulikov3, M.S. Smirnov4, V.M. Lizan5

1 Military University of Radioelectronics (Cherepovets, Russia)
2−5 A.F. Mozhaysky Military Space Academy (Saint Petersburg, Russia)