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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №11 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The efficiency of the phasemanipulated wideband signal determination by the quadrature receiver with the acceptance and rejection filters
G.S. Nakhmanson, G.A. Bakaeva
The determination of the phasemanipulated wideband signal (PMWS) with carrier modulation by pseudorandom sequence, a random phase and a regular and random amplitude components is considered. The reception is considered in the white normal noise and a narrowband interference by a quadrature receiver with an acceptance and rejection filters. It is analyzed the influence of the acceptance and rejection filter frequency band, the discomposure working frequences of that filters and a regular and random amplitude component ratio on a signal determination probability D. It it shown that the maximum signal determination probability is reached for the signal time delay n=0.2 - 0.45u, where u is a duration of PMWS elementary impulse. The time delay is increased with the diminishing of the acceptance frequency band. Furthemore the signal determination probability maximum is decreased. The signal determination probability maximum is decreased and the lateral petals of output receiver effect are increased it the rejection filter frequency is approached for the signal carrier frequency.
Pages: 21-33
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