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Journal №2 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Analysis of electro welders - blood for Mn, Cr and Ni content by Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with Zeeman background correction
A.A. Ivanenko, N.B. Ivanenko, N.D. Solovyev, I.V. Blazhennikova
New technique for the determination of Mn, Cr, Ni in human whole blood based on Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with High-frequency modulation polarization Zeeman background correction was developed. During the technique development graphite furnace program was optimized. Performance of some conventional matrix modifiers was investigated. For Mn determination furnace with integrated L-vov platform was employed. Ammonium nitrate was found as suitable modifier for nickel determination in blood, Mn and Cr was measured without any matrix modifiers. Validation was performed by analyzing standard reference material Seronorm - Trace Elements Whole Blood L-3. Limits of detection (3σ, 10fold blank measurements) for blood samples were 0.2 μg/L (Mn); 0.4 μg/L (Cr) and 0.5 μg/L (Ni). Precision (R.S.D.) was below 11%. Blood samples were taken from patients of St. Petersburg Toxicological policlinics (Institute of toxicology, FMBA) using Li-heparinate vacuum tubes. Blood was diluted with deionized water 1 to 10 per volume for Mn and Cr determination, 1 to 5 per volume for Ni measurement. Analysis of 38 electro welders - blood samples for Mn, Cr, Ni content was performed. The mean results (n=38, P=0.95) obtained for studied group are: 14.6±2.3 μg/L (Mn); 10.6±2.9 μg/L (Cr); 10.4±3.2 μg/L (Ni), that exceeds the results (n=24, P=0.95) for control group: 9.2±1.7 μg/L (Mn); 4.3±1.3 μg/L (Cr); 4.2±1.5 μg/L (Ni). Importance of blood Cr and Ni determination along with Mn measurement for investigating occupational exposure to welding aerosols was illustrated. However, further studies are required to prove their role as exposure biomarkers in case of electro welders.
Pages: 41-47
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