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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №6 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Statistic method of multipath mitigation
multipath mitigation
optimum filtering
effect of multipath
angular attitude determination
satellite navigation
phase measurements
adaptive Kalman filter
euler's angles
multipath modeling еrrors
V. E. Vovasov, A. M. Nesterkin
At the present time one of the most promising approaches to the aircraft sensing in space is the use of the measurements from several satellite navigation receivers situated directly on the aircraft. In the issue of the handling of phase measurements from every receiver with usage of algorithms of disclosure of ambiguities aircraft orientation angles are received. However angle measurement errors consist of two components. The first component is a fluctuating error. It doesn-t depend on multipath propagation. The second component is a slowly varying error caused just by multipath effect. In this article for elimination of the slowly varying error, i. e., for receiving high-precision estimate of aircraft orientation angles, a statistic method based on Kalman filtering and measuring parameters such as Euler-s angles and velocity vectors of antennas of the receivers is offered.
In the article, Kalman filter equations and all matrixes required for it description are presented. Multipath error simulated like a stationary random process with zero mean and correlation function with exponential law. The results of simulation are received subject to dislocations produced by multipath propagation in the range of 0.04 rad. for velocities of azimuth 0.001; 0.01 and 0.1, rad/s.
Simulation confirmed reasonability of usage of velocities of navigation receiver-s antennas in the capacity of measuring parameters for contraction errors produced by multipath propagation.
Pages: 25-32
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