350 rub
Journal Antennas №5 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Multi-difference-distance-Doppler system as an adaptive antenna array
V.A. Ufaev, D.V. Ufaev, A.V. Ufaev
Based on the presentation of receiving multi-position difference-distance-Doppler system in the form of an antenna array with mobile antennas in the a priori uncertainty about the form, amplitudes and initial phases of the signals in the synthesized antenna algorithm for maximum likelihood one-stage determination of the origin of the radiation source. A priori uncertainty about the parameters of signal and noise prompted to remove successive transformations in the time and frequency domain using the approximations introduced in the high signal /noise ratio. The resulting solution is to determine the maximum spatial spectrum. The latter is a set of values of the moduli of the mutual correlation functions of pairs of signals proportional to the weighted geometric mean of their power. Cross-correlation function is determined at the points of a possible radiation source, a compensation payment delays and frequency shifts of the signals. Thus, traditionally performed by measuring the parameters of the operation delay and frequency shift of the radiation processing of replacing the set of points in space. Pairwise radiation treatment is a reflection of relativity Doppler frequency shifts and delays of electromagnetic waves in a lattice with antennas that are in motion, and the quadrature and nonlinear processing, due to the uncertainty of the initial phases of the signals. When modeling the radiation of the source simulated frequency-modulated oscillations with a frequency deviation of 12.5 kHz to 1 GHz carrier with respect to the signal/noise of 3.5 dB and an average speed of motion of 108 km/hour on an elliptical trajectory with a ratio of axes corresponding to the golden section, and the semi-major axis of 5 km. The regularities of reducing measurement errors as you move. Initially high, more than 250 m, the level of errors in the determination of coordinates system of two moving points used for 200 seconds close at the level of 20-40 m, the errors of the four receiving points, remaining above the last 1.5-2 times.
Pages: 29-35
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