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Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Principles of Design of Local Radio Systems of Inter Aircraft Navigation
inter aircraft navigation
information exchange
multi-user distance-measuring system
determination of radial and mutual distance
global navigation satellite system
V.I. Baburov, A.G. Gerchikov, V.K. Orlov, A.G. Chernjavskij
Basic principles of local radio system design of inter aircraft navigation are discussed in this article. The system's main function is to determine the relative coordinates in a group of interacting objects. Users of the system on an equal basis can be both, aircrafts and coastal beacons and command posts. The system is based on the multi-user distance-measuring system (MDS), allowing measurement of radial and mutual distances, and information channel created within the MDS. The measurement of distances in a group of interacting objects rigidly fixes the configuration of the relative positions of these objects. The coordinates, altitude and velocity vector components data exchange enable this configuration to be connected to the axes of the coordinate system. In group flights the aircrafts are interacting in the area of high correlation of SRNS errors. Therefore, in determining the relative coordinates as a deduction of absolute coordinates the compensation the correlated components of errors is taking place (when using a single operation constellation). Therefore, the accuracy of determination of the relative coordinates will almost match the accuracy of differential mode of GNSS. GNSS information dropouts are compensated by using MDS and flight navigation complex.
Pages: 27-31
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