I.A. Salnyy
JSC «Taganrog Scientific Research Institute of Communications» (Taganrog, Rostov Region, Russia)
Hybrid receivers for instantaneous measurement of the carrier frequency of microwave signals based on frequency discriminators with a delay line are the most compact and in great demand in the field of passive electronic reconnaissance (ESM) for identification and separation of radio emission sources in monitoring systems under conditions of information conflict [1−4].
Analysis [2] shows that in existing hybrid receivers with frequency discriminators, the value of the measured output frequency does not always correspond to the frequency of the input signal.
On the block diagram of the receiver under study the receiver for instantaneous frequency measurement consists of analog and digital parts. In the analog part, the input microwave signal Uin t U0sin(2ft) is converted into the cosine Ac f U02 cos 2 f and the sine As f U02sin(2f) detected signals. Here τ is the delay, the time interval used to generate the signals Ас(f) and
As(f) and determines the bandwidth ∆F of the operating frequencies of the receiver ( F F Fk 0). The detected signals Ас(f) and
As(f) from the outputs of the analog part are subjected to analog-to-digital conversion and are represented in the form of codes Uc and Us at the input of the programmable logic array to form the discriminator curve of the receiver.
In the digital part of the receiver, the frequency Ftrue of the input signal is assigned to a pair of codes Uc and Us. Hereby, for any harmonic input signal of frequency Fc within the receiver bandwidth, F F Fk 0. The signals Ac (f) and As (f) at the outputs of the analog part are subjected to analog-to-digital conversion and are represented in the form of codes Uс and Us. In the digital part of the receiver, the frequency Ftrue of the input signal is assigned to a pair of codes Uc and Us. Thus, for any harmonic input signal of frequency Uin(t) located in the operating frequency band F Fk F0, the value of the input (measured) frequency is always found uniquely corresponding to the frequency Uin(t).
The purpose of this work is to study the circuit of a hybrid receiver for instantaneous measurement of the frequency of microwave signals, in order to determine and eliminate factors that affect the decrease in the accuracy of measuring the carrier frequency of the input signal.
Salnyy I.A. Ways to improve the accuracy of instantaneous measurement of the carrier frequency of the input microwave signal in a hybrid receiver with a frequency discriminator. Radioengineering. 2021. V. 86. № 11. P. 80−87. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/ j00338486-202111-13 (in Russian)
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