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Journal Science Intensive Technologies №12 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The radiotechnical systems survivability assurance as a result of structural stability increase
S.F. Boev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), General Designer, JSC «Radio Engineering Institute» (Moscow)
A.A. Gudkov - Post-graduate Student, S.M. Budjonny Military Academy of Signal Corps (Saint Petersburg)
S.R. Malishev - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, S.M. Budjonny Military Academy of Signal Corps (Saint Petersburg)
E-mail: malishevsr56@ya.ru
I.V. Chebotar - Ph. D. (Eng.), Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics
Adaptation of technical system to operating conditions is a necessary condition of preservation of her working capacity. Degree of fitness of systems to operating conditions is expressed by such property as stability.
In turn, structural stability of technical system is understood as ability to carry out objectives in the conditions of failure of part of functional elements of system. At an assessment of structural stability it is necessary to allocate in functional structure of system the minimum set of elements and an interconnection between them providing requirements for performance of the appointment by system. This set is presented in the form of minimum necessary count of structure of system and the count condition of ability to carry out the purpose system or a complex is called.
Any technical system can be also presented in the form of the initial count. In that case structural stability of system can be estimated the probability determined by the relation of probable number of possible structures of system, the containing columns condition, to total of probable structures of the initial count.
This indicator characterizes probability that at the casual reduction of functional structure of system caused by failure of part of her elements in her there will be some minimum quantity of functionally interconnected elements providing operability of system. The count condition is elected proceeding from the main processes proceeding in subsystems of technical system.
Proceeding from research of structural stability of system, it is possible to believe what not always the main direction of increase of stability of technical systems is functional unification of elements of subsystems, their interchangeability, redundancy, increase of stability of each of separately taken elements. Therefore it is necessary to increase quantity of elements of system to a certain limit. Same concerns increase in structural stability for each element separately.
Pages: 80-85
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