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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №3 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Increase a true detection probability of reflected signals in transition of range to the ground surface
A.A. Khrustalev, Yu.V. Koltzov
There are presented the method of increase a true detection probability with specify minimal a false-alarm probability in transition of finding the range to the ground surface for account of perform the function of three-step measurements: detection a reflected signals with high true detection probability with specify low false-alarm probability and on the first leg of coarse range measurements, on the second leg of precision range measurements and confirm the data of precision range measurements by the data of coarse range measurements on the third leg. Introduced method realizing the reflected signal accumulation for account of detection. This method providing the detection low level signals, reducing times of signal search and confirm cyclically the data of precision range measurements.
Pages: 33-38
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